Aug 24, 2005 23:17
So my mother made a huge deal about me making sure I would be in wake in time for the Dell guy to get here. But he said he would be here around noon, so I wasn't too worried that I was at Darin's until 3 last night. Then that ass shows up at 10am, without calling (which he is supposed to do no matter what- even if he's on time, let alone if he's so freaking early). At least he fixed it. When he was done, he was like "When you describe da problem, yeah I knew right away it was da processor, yeah." And I wanted to ask why he didn't try replacing the processor first, but I was NOT in the mood.
At least I have a computer for school.
I'm buying an IBook next summer. I can't even wait.
Friday- I'm back at State.
ps. I'm getting sick of facebook. I just hate scrolling down the list of my "friends" and realizing that I never ever talk to most of those people. I like that it's a convenient way to stay in contact with people, but I hate realizing how few really good friends I have. Because then I look at someone else's list, and I'm like: She has 145 friends- AT STATE alone, and she's probably best friends with all of them. Which is a lie. ahhh haahah.
I feel like I'm going to be the only person living on campus this year! Saddens me. 517 355 7279 call for a good time!