Apr 27, 2007 18:45
So I've finally catched up with my thursday night shows, I love, love, love DVR's!! lol
Any way, this is quite possibly going to be my longest entry so far - here we go......
Scrubs - I loved last nights episode, I usually watch this show and laugh my ass off, which I did again, Turk playing Dr Cox was just brilliant, the janitor being the pedriatrics ghost was so in character yet new while still brilliantly funny, and reminds me once again that he's my favourite character (closely followed by Dr Cox). Then of course JD and Elliot reconnecting as friends, they do seem to have spent less time together alone on screen recently and I loved that the writers faced this and we had a lovely cliff hanger with Keith's proposal.
My Name Is Earl - I must confess normally I don't pay 100% attention to this show, but its one of the boyf's fav's so I watch it with him, and last night I chuckled at quite a few of the gags, but nearly pee'd my pants when after blowing up the car the teachers and Earl hid, not to mention the walk down the halls just before said big explosion.
October Road - I gave this the benefit of the doubt and watched all the aired ep's, hoping that as I tried and fell in love with Men in Trees the same may happen, yet I just can't gel with it, sorry October Road fans, I can see what some people like, but it's missing something for me personally, although it is great to see Tom Berenger on a weekly basis, even if he isn't as hot as he used to be.
Smallville + Supernatural - Again my boyf's shows, I used to like Smallville, but now I find myself crossing my fingers and wishing that as I watch Lana will be killed, god that character is driving me insane!!!! I enjoyed Supernatural, as I have done on quite a few episodes so far this season, the winchester boys and the writers really seem to be hitting their stride and finding their groove so far and I'm enjoying the ride around in the Impala.
ER - Okay so it wasn't the best for me as hardly any Luby scenes, yet I enjoyed Gates being sent home, its about time someone disaplined him, and I'm really glad it was Morris, even if it was slightly ironic given Morris's early career at County General. I loved the ending with Luka saying that he wants be a doctor again and then walking down the corridor as the lights go out. But the one scene I loved was when Morris threatened to send Abby home, Luka's face as he stood directly behind her was priceless and you just know that as he walked away Goran allowed himself to smile and laugh.
Ugly Betty - I love Amanda!!! Enough said!!!
30 Rock - I loved the fact that Jack's mom likes Lemon, how cool is that, and of course the cameo from Sean Hayes, who was exceptional.
Grey's Anatomy - I find myself tiring of nearly all the characters, the angst between Mer and Der seems forced, I mean for godsakes give the girl a break, if I'd had the year she's had I would have walked out of Derek's trailer and never looked back - McDreamy or not.
Hell at the moment McSteamy is looking more and more inticing - even if he does have a tendancy to use revenge sex and is a self confessed man whore.
I really hope the writers get back with the original formulae of this show that worked so well, because at the moment ABC should consider moving it to a daytime slot instead of primetime.
CSI - Brilliant, I love the lighhearted episodes, and last nights is up there with last season Rushamoma for me. A little more Warrick would have been nice but hey, we got great Brass and Doc Robbins interraction instead, Brass even stepped foot in the morgue. Hodges has realy grown on me over this season, I always liked him, back when Grissom couldn't remember his name and kept referring to him as the "new guy", but with some more development the character is really shining, and is a great link to the lab, replacing in a way former lab tech turned CSI Greg Sanders.
Now the GSR - it was perfect, voyeuristic as ever, shot perfectly as if we were just walking a step behind them as they talked, I'm glad Sara felt comfortable enough to ask Grissom the question, and I was over the moon with his response, this is how you pull of a couple of tv characters who change from star crossed lovers to being together. Brilliant!!!!
Just heard the news that Studio 60 is coming back in May, even if it doesn't get picked up for another season at least we'll get to see some new antcs from the studio and hopefully and ending that says goodbye in style.
Also just watched a promo for CSI with the possible outing of GSR, got to say I can't wait to see the scene of Sara and Griss sitting on the bed, even if there is a dog between them (the geeks are dog owners - YAY) It's going to be along summer, so the more GSR moments we get the happier I'll be, and the less chance there is of me going insane without my fav ship. Also I'm still quietly confident in JF being on board for season 8 (crosses fingers and toes).