[CON REPORT] Con-G 2011!

Feb 23, 2011 15:42

So Con-G was last weekend. c: I was pretty excited since Con-G is kinda my favourite Canadian convention. *u* (Yeah, it beats Anime North.) My cosplays were Kaito Love is War and Miku Matryoshka versions from Vocaloid~
I was actually kinda like.. wtf-self when I saw my whole weekend was Vocaloid. B| Never would have thought I'd ever say 'OH I'M COSPLAYING VOCALOID ALL WEEKEND. 8DD /derpp' Okay I didn't say it like that, but yeah. I read it in my mind like that. orz

So I woke up at 7:30 thinking I'd have enough time to eat breakfast and get to Erisa's house by nine. LOL. Underestimated by a long shot. B|
I ended up eating and wasting an hour of my life doing IDEK. And getting ready does not take 30mins. No. I took an hour and arrived at her house at like 10. OTL Guh I felt bad haha

So we started our long ass trek to Guelph where Con-G is held. 1hour40min drive yeye. ;D We avoided the highway since Erisa didn't want to drive on the highway, specially when it was snowing. Damn that shit is scary lol. OTL

Anyway we finally got there, and saw Joyce and Amy already there. Apparently the hotel wouldn't let them check-in because they were 'cleaning' the room. Bullshit to me. B| Anyway Hibiki and I were staying in a different room but ours weren't checked-in yet either so we dropped off our things in another friend's room. c:

Then I go downstairs and notice a very familiar back. I WASN'T SURE SO I CALLED OUT 'RENEE' and she turned around lool. Thank god it was her. B| Otherwise it would have been sooo embarrassing omg. OTL
So yeah I ended up detaching from nm_hibiki   for a bit and hang with final and kintaei for the majority of my day. x'D
Haven't seen them in forever so it was good to catch up and things. c:.

Aren't they cute. ;u; Kintaei as some tsundere loli girl from Demonbane (she still never told me the name lol)
and Final as Cozart from Reborn!

Anyway I dispatched (?) from them also and joined Erisa, Sarah, Chibatsu, Rida, Amy and Joyce. They still hadn't checked-in yet, which sucked. ;u;

Erisa as Luke and Sarah as THE PROFESSOR.
So awesome. ;u;

Chibatsu was cosing as a version of Azusa I don't remember. B| Nor do I have photos of it but she was adorable~ ;33; (Never watched K-ON and never will apparently.)

Anyway I hung with them for a bit until they were slowly taken away one by one for shoots. ;u; Was left alone on the couch lool. OTL So Final came back and took me away for a CHAT.

And that's all that I remember. B| Incredibly sick and I'm not even sure if these happened in correct order or not. x'D
I remember going to sleep at like.. 5AM though because hotel neighbours wanted to finish watching a movie in our room so Hibiki and I ended up talking and wasting time till like.. 5AM. Yeah. Woke up at 8 the next morning..

So yeah. Woke up at 8AM. B| Couldn't fall back asleep, which was weird considering I had THREE. HOURS. OF. SLEEP. And I was sick.
Smart right. So smart I should be called genius.

Anyway I go ahead and get ready to change into my cos, while shoving shit into my duffel bag because check-out was in an .. hour? LOL;
So I get ready for Miku and get my stuff and shove them into Erisa's car.
Not much happened on Sunday really. Was too freaking tired to even pay attention to what was going on. OTL

Aren't they cute though~ Love this version so much better than the first ED lool. c:

I remember attending the 404's show, which is always an absolute must if they're at the con. I love their shows. ;u;

Hibiki and I then went to the mall across the street to get food. We got some odd looks but whatever, used to it. x'D The older people were much nicer. c:

And that's about it that I can remember about the moment for Sunday. OTL

Though I wanna say thanks to all the people that made my weekend such a great time~ ♥
See you all at mTAC! |D

cosplay, cosplay report, con-g

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