450 messages on DeviantArt. This is what I get for not checking it for a week.
I've been away. Kinda. I've been sick, and tend to go into my own little lazy, non-moving world. I've also become nocturnal, sleeping from 10am-4/5pm.
Yeah. That's totally healthy.
So yeah, although I haven't been posting it doesnt mean I havent you know, BEEN here, reading all your posts in the shadows, so to speak. And yes, in a creepy way *creepy grin*
I'm so glad that Arama They Didn't brought me to LJ, cos look at all the awesome people I've met!! People with the same obsession with the Japanese culture and language and hot, hot, sexy men.
Two weeks ago I spent every single day meeting up with friends and doing stuff. And while I loved it, I did, it was tiring and I really just needed time to sit around in my jammies and not spend any money. Unfortunately I managed to get sick on my self-proclaimed World Vacation, but it wasn't so bad, I got A LOT of sleep done. (granted it was during the daytime)
But throughout the week, although I wasn't bored ( I don't really get bored, I dont pay enough attention to the world to realise I'm not actually doing anything) I was kinda restless when it came to what was around me. Part Inspiration at the beautiful things people constantly post and part frustration that I will never be as creative, I've changed the layout and design of my LJ account about 4 times and I'm still not satisfied. I changed my Tumblr one about 20 times, and even my Twitter design although I don't really go on it. I guess I just wanna make thing's pretty, seeing as how the internet has well and truly become my home.
But after a whole week of avoiding the outside world I'm ready to go back out again. Lots of friends to drink coffee and hot chocolate with, lots to catch up on, lots of fun times to be had before I leave for ANOTHER holiday which will be, I assure you, epic.
So as soon as I learn how to draw, take pictures, write poetry or make things, I promise to make my Journals more entertaining. As it is you'll just have to learn about my ever-so boring life.
OMG DID YOU GUYS SEE SHERLOCK?? That was some epic shit my friends. Holmes and Watson have always been one of my OTP's. but this Sherlock is amazing and this Watson is ADORABLE. *squees*
Hey, I did warn you people that I would be rambling. And did you heed my warning?? NO YOU DID NOT. You brought this upon yourself. Just be glad that I know how to use LJ cut.
BTW: Jo? I had a dream last week about GIANT hamsters. They were equal parts adorable and scary. I'm blaming you (also I REALLY want one!!) LOVE YA JO JO