Oct 15, 2007 08:23
I dont really know what is going wrong but for some strange reason I am becoming more responsible for myself. I have been in a new job coming up to 3 weeks now and I haven't been late once, I dont access the internet really at all unless it is for stuff related to what I am doing and I no longer send a copius amount of email.
However, I am having today off which is a bit unresponsible. But I am going to the docs to have my head looked at just in case of any permanent damage occasioned by a curtain rod falling on my head. The weird thing about all this is that I am waiting for 8.30 to tick around so that I can ring up the doc's surgery and make an appointment. For all that know me you would know that this is very strange behaviour because I never do anything "by appointment". I'm the i'll just show up whenever I feel like it gal. I mean that I dropped mark off at the station, came back here and looked up the number for the doc's. I actually wanted to make an appointment then so that when I rang work I would be able to tell them my appointment time and everything. But alas the surgery only opens at 8.30. But even stranger yet, I actually rang work and told them I wasn't coming in more than an hour before I was due to be there! How strange is that. Normally I ring like 15 minutes before I am supposed to start.
Anyways, it cant have been the bump to the head that has done this, because it started almost 3 weeks ago or so.
Anywho, better ring up and make my appointment. I have the strangest notion that I am going to end up getting a tetnus booster.