Ahhh.... I had a interesting dream again... when aren't they interesting XD... maa...maaa... on to business:
First let me tell you just the part I can remember if an "old" dream, more like two days ago dream XD....
I was in the dinning room, on of the reasons we might be moving into a new apparmet in cuz we have no view in this one, so just from the dinning room we have the window of another appertment building so it can be kind of disturbing to be watch for strangers... anyway I was in the dinning room and when I look to the window, some guys in tux were robbering with guns and all, the girl they had " kiddnapt call me for help so those men started shooting at me O_O Kowaaaaai... I hide somewhere they couldn't spot me but I couldn't tell my parents not come cuz it was dangerous, I think taht was what worried me the most!! I woke up no longer after and even when I was sleepy I didn't wanted to go back since I know the dream would continue and they might get me.... and I don't like loosing even in my dreams XDDD
But the cool dream was finally with Subaru... and we were doing... hmm... ditry things XD
Again I can't remeber how it started. But first I remeber something about a parking place and these elegant women wanting to get to their cars fast so they would try to jump from stairs allways getting hurt really hard but saying they were ok... I think Yokonbo (Yokoyama Yu) was there too, just like me, worried and amazed at the same time...
anyway, next I can remember is me being in this japanese style house, more exactly in a room, you know with the sliding (guruguru) doors and all.... (something like this... well more like a mix between this two rooms)
I was laying in bed (or was it a futon?) with a woman I srsly don't know and I think Yokonbo was there too.... we were watching TV and suddenly Subaru came, all noisy and loud XD (so Baru like neee) anyway he laid beside me...
...and started making funny noises to catch my attention... we were boyfriend and girlfriend.. or so I like to think, becuz of the things we started to do XDD... I wont tell details, cuz they are srsly disturbing and I don't know what you might end up thinking about me LOL Soooo.. when everything was done, the woman and Yoko were all confussed and started asking what the hell were we doing, we were all smily and happy... specially Baru =D (I have to admit that just remembering it is good...) and just to have the record, this is the second time XDDD (the second time I see his Babu-kun LOLOLOL) aaaaand it's not bad at all ROFL
Anyway I went out to...hhmmm, fix somethings in the bathroom XD... (again somethign between this two)
... but I wasen't in the tub, since I only had to was *cough*my hands *cough*, when my dad came all excited telling me to get ready that we had to go. He was dress like going to a party, and now that I think about it while I was washing my hands I was looking through the window and it was dark and had this cold feeling, I touch something and it had huge snow cups, like perfect ice stars it was lovely. But I had to get ready so I got back to that room, and Baru was waiting for me. He was like "Do you know this Shirt of mine that has a skull with its mouth open and it's like spitting something that starts in the right sleeve and it's like it would end up coming again through the left one?" ( WTH?) "Oh yeah, you wear it in Honjani right?" (WTF????) LOL But still I liked the one he was wearing but oh well, then my brother came to scene XD And he was wearing like a tux, so I was like, shot, this party is elegant, so I had to pic a dress, and I don't remember much about it... but it was nice to have Baru as my boyfriend (finally, it was taking too long to see him again as my partner XD) ahhhhhh...... Woooooh...
What can I say... I love my Eito dreams XD
And... No, I haven't abandon my crack post... do you think that No-more-crotchgrabbing-Honjani's will stop meee??? Gosh we're talking about Eito, they can manage to turn into Geito everywhere, even national TV... So please be patient... I have some things to do before getting back to crack world!!
Actually let me give you an advance of the next geito entry:
What is this!?!?!? To whom does it belong!?!?!?
Please try guessing!!... Next Crack Title....
"The secret behind Eito's (JE) packages Part 1" XDDD
Ja neee!!