To think that I started a thread in E-S cuz my dear Niki (ttxryo_nic) thought that the last food world cup episode was the last honjani episode.... now the nightmare came true.. ^^U... But looks like it wont be tooooo different from Honjani... but maybe it will
This could only happen in Honjani
Pasting all what I wrote in Eden with some changes...
No I'm not happy with the news.... I forgot to mention "JANI-BEN" will start on May 2; same time as Honjani on Wednesdays.
Ok to give you more info about it or random news:
actually all these about the ending of honjani has been for a while now... I started a thread on march 29, after my dear friend,
ttxryo_nic, thought the world cup ep was the last episode... little by little the thread had more and more info about it... paaaaan also said that in the lastest honjani, the one with ZOM perf and the KJ medley, after the show ended, they told the audience about some changes that will happen in the near future, of course the girls were suppose to not say anything about it and deleted all info the girls putted on their sites, paaaaancould see them just b4 being deleted. ^^U.... I think that's all the info there is hehe oh and long ago
cattnessalso found this: And these are the exact words from
paaaaanabout the show:
The NEW SHOW is called "JANI-BEN" where K8 is going to brush up their "talking" skills, I guess. It will start on May 2; same time as Honjani on Wednesdays. It is from a Japanese message board which got the info from the morning papers. I guess there is a Junior segment every week as well... which means less minutes for our boys? :( I don't understand why they had to do this right after they made a big deal out of the 200th episode! Oh well...
Well.... at least it will be nation wide so Eito is getting really popular... But even when Suka was actually pretty boring at times, Mucha-Buri still don't catch me that much... I mean: too much VTR, too much talk.... no move... it's really slow... I'm only excited for the next week one cuz it's with RIZE and that's it..... The replacement for Honjani looks like it wont be that different, they will have guests... again Hiroko-chan gave us the latest news:
Ok I read the article. It said that every week, they'll have guests who are their "tutors." They invite people from all different types of genres like sports, music, etc. and learn stuff from them through games and quizzes and all that. So, it's basically a lot like Honjani but it's like a renewal version now that they've all "ranked up" in the past four years.
Quizzes?? Maybe they will be like the Money episode and stuff... games.... Who knows... but it would be cool seeing them doing games like Dance Dance Revolution or the Drums one XDDD I saw those is Domoto Kyoudai, totaly rocked XDD
I other news... I'm back with my Gackt fangirling....
I've been such a bad fan these past few days.... It's JE fault they are adicting... But yeah, yesterday I started to get everything I've been missing on Gakuchan.
I hadn't saw the NHK program of the graduation where he congratulate the students and sang for them... It was lovely, even when it looks like graduation there are so boring he gave them the best one EVER!! I mean, I would totaly prefer that over the one I have, that was awoseme XDDD
I'm so glad he's still the same dork, who will come up with the weirdest things haha I bet that when he watch the shows he's been to, he laughs at his own crack XDD
I can't believe I've missed so much.. I didn't know about Masa's accident... and it was long ago already, in february... looks like it was a car accident... and he's been into lots of surgeries because of his injuries.............
And I so proud of Renchan, Gackt's former bassist, even when I think Ju-Ken is a good bassist, amazing bassist... Renchan will always be my #1!!! There could be better bassist but to Ren is the best, and I miss him everytime I watch Gackt's latest tours.... Oh yeah, why am I proud? Cuz his band LIN CLOVER had a little tour in the US!!! That's sooooo cool!! He has long hair... looks really kakkoii, but to me he will always be KAWAII XDDD
Anyway.. there are a lot of things I'm looking foward with Gackt.... I'm so happy he's doing so well... but since there aren't much Gakuchan fans, I can leave it like that ^______^