Aug 27, 2005 16:08
Alright, I'm back from the steppin' out hiking thing, and finally have some free time after two-ish days of craziness on campus. For anyone interested, here's a list of shiite that I've been doing (in chronological order):
*Hiked 20 MILES in segments of 10, 7 and 3. Yeah, I was sore.
*Went white water rafting on the deschutes, which kicked ass, except for "skin rafting" down some rapids... Yeah that's basically swimming through rapids hoping to live. I swear my friend Marley (sweet name, huh?) looked at me during the rapids and said "I'm not gonna make it!"
*Slept outside
*learned how to salsa dance
*stayed up till 2 having a stereotypical intellectual college conversation with some really awesome people.
*came to school, met roommate, made room pretty
*started my war and its alternatives class, done a couple hours of homework (yeah, during the intro does that work?)
*gone to a decades dance party where I decked out in 80s apparel/fanny pack
...and a crapload more. I'm seriously so looking forward to having schedule and normalacy. This opening days shtuff is too busy. As it stands I'm taking an anthro class, western civ, war and its alternatives and spanish, but if I change my western civ class I'll have all my classes monday, wednesday, friday which would be AWESOME. I miss you guys, I hope you all come to visit me quite soon. Remember I'm really close...and the food here is well known for rocking. If you want you can even stay the night here, any or all of you, seriously. Hope everything is well.