(no subject)

Sep 19, 2012 22:44

quick post from the plane before landing -

NY was amazing.  I feel so fortunate to be able to make all of these trips (next one is in just 5 weeks).  Allison is doing so incredibly well.  it is an absolute miracle and we are so lucky and grateful.  I saw her on sunday, 2 days after her cranioplasty and she was like 85% of her old self.  amazing considering what she has been through.  my sister and I drove out to NJ this morning to see her at my aunt's house and it was such a sweet visit.  it's honestly just like the old alli, just with no hair and of course her large incisions on her head... but she is all there, she's just incredible and heartwarming.

got to turn this off, landing soon!  xoxo more later!
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