(no subject)

Nov 05, 2011 15:52

HAHA!  that is my husband, who is FINALLY taking in jest my incessant comments about how completely insane he gets about cleaning up whenever we have people coming over.  love that note that he left me this morning!!!

just taking a very quick breather to pop in and say hi!  we are in crazy party prep mode over here.  thank goodness for:

* my mom and sister and their extra sets of hands!
* a 2 year & 364 day old who still naps
* a fairly organized to-do list
* nothing that will be *too* last minute


my mom and sister took C to soccer and I've spent H's nap baking a handful of sugar cookies with the best of intentions to decorate them a la this Amy Atlas image:

I had read reviews about some pre-made cookie icing in a squeeze bottle and it sounded good.  reality?  not so great.  it's just not the right consistency, not really "royal icing" consistency - so guess who will be making some royal icing tonight and trying her hand at it?  yes, moi.

I made star cookies and regular round moon/planet cookies, and the piece de resistance is the saturn cookie.  hopefully I'll be able to salvage them with my own royal icing (the bottled icing is just too thick - I think it'll be fine to just pipe thicker royal icing right on top of it) - I have a lot of confidence in my abilities so let's keep every set of fingers crossed!!!  I am only using these cookies for decoration on the cake, NOT for eating, so they just have to look decent and after the photo ops they will go straight into the trash, LOL!  my regular cookie lady that I normally use moved to Michigan and offered to ship them to me, but she never replied to another question I had for her and when she finally did, it was just too close for her to be able to ship them.  drat.  but, anyway, I think I can handle it and make it look decent!

we'll all get involved in setting everything up tonight and then I am hoping that the kids can go down and play at my mom's from about 8 - 930 (guests arrive at 10) so that Rob and I can have a quiet house to do all the finishing touches.

off to finish cleaning up - can't believe my baby boy is going to be THREE tomorrow.  it really feels impossible.

hssr 3rd bday

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