Ugh. I think I'm going to throw up sitting here listening to H screaming down the hall as they prep him for his MRI. He's in there with Rob. It's a "quick MRI" so he's not sedated, which is good, but of course it means that he knows what's going on & is scared :(
For those of you who don't know, H has a tiny benign cyst in his brain which was discovered during an ultrasound while I was in my 3rd trimester while pregnant with him. He has periodic MRIs to check on the location & size of the cyst. It hasn't grown or moved since birth which is great and his pediatric neurosurgeon doesn't expect it to, but obviously we will always keep an eye on it.
These cysts are actually very common and chances are very high that some of you all might even have one - they typically go undetected unless one has an MRI for some other reason.
Sounds like he's done - time for cuddles.
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