May 02, 2012 18:08
I'm hoping that we will get a quiet(ish) weekend. This past weekend, we took the kids camping at the boy scouts camp on Eastern Long Island. It was nice because Olivia and Grant got to do all sorts of fun outdoor activities (slingshots, archery, BB guns, geocaching, etc.) but it was COLD, especially once the sun went down. Luckily, Josh came along and made an awesome campfire and we made burgers and hot dogs and s'mores, but despite being really bundled up in the tent, it was still pretty cold. Plus, I had to try to keep Owen covered with my sleeping bag, and we had no electricity at the site and the bathrooms were AWFUL. There were about 20 stalls when we started, and only 2-3 left by the morning because the others had overflown and were locked up. I helped Olivia with the BB gun, and was impressed with how well we did. We hit the EXACT center of the bullseye. So apparently, my marksmanship is much better than I expected (although I was always good at Duckhunt on the NES) :) I also did well teaching Grant how to use his bow and arrow. He hit the target completely on his own after we drew a couple of arrows together.
I've been working a lot this week, which is good, but still tiring, and it feels like I'll never get a break! Josh has shifted to the earlier shift because his co-worker's wife had a baby this morning. I'm hpoing he will get home relatively early tonight and I know we have some house upkeep (bills/medical stuff) to do, but I need to get to bed early. I'm just getting worn out.
Owen has started doing a Doofenshmertz impression, which is one of the funniest things ever. He tries to get his voice all raspy while he babbles. Yet another things I have to try to get on video. He's doing really well with the weaning, so long as I warm his bottles of milk instead of just pulling it out of the fridge cold.
Sal has been testing his boundaries. Yesterday, he was sliding his arms out of the straps in his car seat and trying to play around with the lights on the ceiling of the car. There was much scolding. Today, he got upset with Olivia and tossed a glass lemonade bottle on the floor. There was more scolding. I know this is part of growing up, but sometimes I wish we could skip the annoying stages and just hve them be angelic all day long. For some reason, last week he was OBSESSED with Josh leaving for work. One day, Josh left and he spent the next 45 minutes screaming like a banshee. I'd never seen him get so upset about anything before. He insisted that he didn't say "I love you" or that he didn't say "goodbye." There's a whole set of things he wants to make sure he does before Josh leaves, including hugs, kisses, and a diatribe of farewells. Luckily, this only lasted a couple of days last week and he was back to normal this week. He's also started a new habit where he refuses to flush the toilet until any toilet paper we've thrown in has become completely submerged in the water. He'll stand there and wait, even if it takes five minutes. I cannot explain the oddities. I just pray that he doesn't continue down this path of pseudo-OCD behavior. I'm not sure I could handle two OCD children at this point, and I start to question if I'm doing something wrong that's making them get so preoccupied with things.
Grandpa is still in the rehab facility and reluctantly doing his physical therapy. I'm guessing that he will be sent home in the next couple of weeks, but they just moved his room back to the "normal" ward instead of with the difficult patients, so they will likely keep him for awhile longer.
Just a few more weeks until Josh and I leave for the Bahamas :) Actually, four weeks from tonight. I cannot WAIT. I want to pull out my suitcase and start packing. This shouldn't be an issue because I can pack all summer things (tanks, shorts, bathing suits) and fancy clothing for dinners, none of which will be needed around here for the next four weeks. Josh wants to make sure we spend the vacation relaxing. Of course, NOT planning things is making me a little stir crazy, but I'm trying to be chill. Must. Be. Chill.
Gillian and Rob are supposed to be coming home for this weekend, and I'll be watching my nephew on Friday afternoon and most of Saturday. I'd like to do a Cinco de Mayo dinner on Saturday, but we'll have all the kids over, and it seems they want pizza. So maybe I'll do pizza on Saturday and just save the Mexican theme for Sunday ;) I hate to miss out on an excuse to eat Mexican food.
OK, that covers things for now. I have to get the kids fed and get myself some caffeine, stat.