YouTube Wake Up

Sep 11, 2010 20:00

I have been spending quite a few hours over the last 5 days watching some videos on You Tube by the excellent, and always entertaining Thunderf00t. His intelligent responses and insights to the world around us makes sense of the blurring line of media and ill-informed decisions. Specifically his response to the Swine Flu epidemic and his almost legendary series "Why Do People Laugh at Creationists?".

It is a genuine worry that the intelligent and fact-based scientific developments that we have enjoyed in the modern world have no only progressed the world as we know it, but also lifted the curtain on the wizard of oz style smoke and mirrors that all the old religions have been perpetuating over the last 4,000 odd years.

That there are people out there (fuck it need only be ONE person) who genuinely believe the world was created in 7 days by a divine being is worrying. Supposedly intelligent, reasoned people have chosen to ignore facts and science and continue to perpetuate their own brand of dark age mythology on the 21st century is shocking.

And its not just creationists, but also Christians, proponents of Intelligent Design, Scientology (a worryingly named cult that steals the name of science to further its own credibility), Muslims and Roman Catholics who come under his scrutiny, and every single one of the falls at the first hurdle, but still persists in running even though both its legs are broken...

Ive also watched the video responses from VenomFangX (a creationist who believes the Grand Canyon was created in 5 minutes and NephilimFree (who believes the craters on the moon were created from water/ice ejected from earth during Noah's flood).

Ive also watched the rather energetic rants of The Amazing Atheist, who whilst has some goods things to say, undermines his and the entire argument by ranting and raving in manner befitting an evangelist.

Do a Youtube search, and see if its your thing...

youtube, religion, creationist

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