Apr 09, 2016 17:48
I went to one Dress Burn a week and a half ago, bought some happy Spring clothes, and then the temperature dropped.
Today, I headed to Costco. It's near the Lame Bryant, so I thought I'd stop in and buy more undies that were the right size for my new butt. Then it occurred to me that the Dress Burn in the same general vicinity often has things the other didn't. I went and made myself try on All The Things. Because very little of my Spring/Summer wardrobe fits, and I need to admit that and get clothes that are comfortable and make me happy and not feel disgusting. I spent a lot of money.
At Costco, I found the battery-powered lights I've wanted for one of my closets (and, holy shit, I only need one at full illumination to light the thing!). Once home, I decided to do a big purge. Size 1Xs are being moved downstairs. If they do not fit this time next year, they are being donated or thrown out, depending on condition. The Barristers are doing a work-clothing drive right now, so I'm making a pile of donations for that. If the dress is still in the dry cleaner's bag from two years ago, I'm not going to wear it.
Too-small undies in good condition will be stored for one year, to see if my ass gets smaller.
How many crappy t-shirts do I need? I wear them around the house, because Max is murder on my clothes. I sleep in them in the summer. I do yard work in them... I think I need to put them all in one spot and see how many really are there.
I might even tackle my sock drawer, but that could be crazy talk.