Title: Forgive Me [Alesha/James]
Music: Asche and Spencer- Forgive Me
Disclaimer: I don't own Law and Order: UK or Asche and Spencer. Nor do I make a profit off of this video.
Fandom: Law and Order: UK
File/Size:: 92.72 MB (.wmv)// 2:00
Characters: Alesha Phillips and James Steel
Spoilers: I'd say the main spoiler would be for Alesha (1x07)
Summary: Alesha and James' slowly building relationship comes crashing down when she is raped. At first, James doesn't even know how to act around Alesha, not wanting to upset her. But he soon realizes this is only putting more strain on what they might have going for them. Barely even realizing, their relationship soon starts up again as Alesha puts all of her trust into him.
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