Oct 10, 2007 14:22
ADA Connie Rubirosa : *stands, walking over to Alex after she is sworn in* Detective Eames, how long have you worked for the NYPD?
Det.Alex Eames : Almost 15 years
ADA Connie Rubirosa : And how long have you worked on the Major Case Squad?
Det.Alex Eames: 7 years.
ADA Connie Rubirosa : You're the senior detective of the squad, correct?
Det.Alex Eames : That's correct.
ADA Connie Rubirosa : Have you ever testified in criminal cases before?
Det.Alex Eames : Yes, I have. Hundreds of times.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Have you ever been called as an -expert- witness?
Det.Alex Eames: Yes. *nods*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Detective, did you arrest Sean McCabe?
Det.Alex Eames : Yes. I arrested him with Detective Logan.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: And what was his demeanour when you told him he was being arrested for two murders?
Det.Alex Eames : He didn't care about the murders at all. As a matter of fact he was cold.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Please elaborate.
Det.Alex Eames : He was distant, he had all the personality of a killer who didn't care enough to even show remorse.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: And did he say anything to you or Detective Logan?
Det.Alex Eames : Not really. When we arrested him, he'd had his hand in his pocket where we found a knife. When asked if he was going to attack us with it, he'd been smug about how he'd done so to bigger "thugs".
ADA Connie Rubirosa: After you arrested him, did he say anything?
Det.Alex Eames : No, he didn't. He remained cold and quiet except for when he was grinning at me.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Grinning at you?
Det.Alex Eames: Yes. The kind of grinning one does when he hits on someone.
ADA Connie Rubirosa : So---let me get this straight---*glances at the jury*--you arrested the defendant for murder and he was leering at you in a lascivious manner?
Det.Alex Eames: Yes. *nods*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Did anything else of significance happen when you arrested him?
Det.Alex Eames: No. He invoked his right to be silent until he had his lawyer with him.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Did he seem worried or upset or remorseful at all, Detective Eames?
Det.Alex Eames: No, he didn't care about what he'd done.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: No further questions.
Det.Alex Eames: *remains seated and waits*
ADA Connie Rubirosa : *goes to sit down*
Judge Stevens: Mr Toth, your witness.
Riley Toth, Esq.: *gets up, goes to walk over to her, his voice gentle* MJ Bluth was a friend of yours, wasn't she?
Det.Alex Eames : *nods, not showing anything else* Yes, she was.
Riley Toth, Esq. : How well did you know each other?
Det.Alex Eames : We had worked together in Vice, and we'd become good friends.
Riley Toth, Esq.: So it would be accurate to say that this case was a bit of a personal one for you?
Det.Alex Eames: *short nod* Yes.
Riley Toth, Esq.: When you discovered the nature of your friend's death, what was your reaction?
Det.Alex Eames : The same as anyone else’s would be--shocked.
Riley Toth, Esq. : But you naturally felt a bit closer to this case, because of your relationship with Detective Bluth, correct?
Det.Alex Eames : I guess so, yes.
Riley Toth, Esq.: Captain Ross was aware of this relationship?
Det.Alex Eames : He was, yes.
Riley Toth, Esq.: And he didn't place you on another case?
Det.Alex Eames : No, he had no need to. I'm not new to the job, I know how to keep my head on straight.
Riley Toth, Esq.: Have you ever worked a case where a close friend was involved before?
Det.Alex Eames : I've worked cases where former colleagues and other Cops have been killed. It's the same.
Riley Toth, Esq.: It is?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Objection, Your Honor. Asked and answered.
Riley Toth, Esq.: I was asking for clarification, your honor. I wasn't sure what she meant by it being the same.
Judge Stevens: Answer the question, Detective.
Det.Alex Eames : *nods* We're not robots. We care, especially when it's one of our own. It's the same in terms of having to work the case and keep your head straight.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *small nod on her part*
Riley Toth, Esq.: It can't be easy though, having to work a case concerning someone you knew?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Your Honor! I believe the witness has answered this already.
Judge Stevens: Move on, Mr. Toth.
Riley Toth, Esq.: *chews his lip for a minute* When it comes to cases involving your own, it's been said that detectives can be a bit more---driven in looking to catch the guy who did it. In your experience, can that be the case?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Objection! Lacks foundation. Unless Mr. Toth plans on citing a source.
Det.Alex Eames: *frowns*
Riley Toth, Esq.: There was a study recently done by the academic psychologists over at NYU that focused on the group mentality, and focused on the police mentality as one of their sources. I can produce the study if you wish.
Judge Stevens: Go on.
Riley Toth, Esq.: The study claimed that when one of their own is attacked, the police will fight more fiercely to find the person responsible than they would if it was a normal civilian. In your experience Detective, do you feel that this is the case?
Det.Alex Eames: Yes, that can be the case.
Riley Toth, Esq.: Was it the case with this case---the case of a close friend?
ADA Connie Rubirosa : Objection, Your Honor--relevance? *totally knows it's relevant* *and gives Riley a look*
Det.Alex Eames : *looks annoyed at Riley*
Riley Toth, Esq.: Goes to the state of mind of the detectives, and how it effected their impression of the defendant, your honor.
Judge Stevens: I'll allow it.
Riley Toth, Esq.: *looks back at Alex*
ADA Connie Rubirosa : *clicks her pen, several times in succession*
Det.Alex Eames : I worked as hard on this case as I would any other. Yes, it was personal but I didn't let it cloud my judgment. If there had been any sign of that, I'd have been taken off the case.
Riley Toth, Esq.: *pauses for a minute, then nods* No further questions.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Re-direct, your honor?
Judge Stevens:: * nods*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *Connie goes back up, gives Alex a small sympathetic smile* You arrested the defendant because his fingerprints were on a gun, didn't you?
Det.Alex Eames : *nods* Yes.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: And because of corroborating statements, correct?
Det.Alex Eames : Yes. That's correct.
ADA Connie Rubirosa : *nods* Detective Eames, when you took your oath as a police officer, you swore to protect and serve, didn't you? *still soft, calm*
Det.Alex Eames: Yes, I did. *nods again*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: You also swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States, along with the Constitution of the State of New York, correct?
Det.Alex Eames: Of course.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: Detective Eames, if you thought you were unable to proceed with a case--if your captain thought that you were unable to proceed--you would be removed from the case, wouldn't you have been?
Det.Alex Eames: Of course. If there had been the slightest sign, Captain Ross would have pulled me from the case immediately.
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *nods, thinks a moment* Detective Eames, you've made the statement under oath that your judgment was not clouded. Have you ever lied under oath?
Det.Alex Eames: No. *very serious look*
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *solemn nod* No further questions. : *goes to sit*
Judge Stevens: Re-cross? *to Riley*
Riley Toth, Esq.: No, your honor.
Judge Stevens:: Ms. Rubirosa?
ADA Connie Rubirosa: *stands* Your Honor, at this time the prosecution rests its' case.
Det.Alex Eames : *looks relieved*
Judge Stevens: *nods* The defense will begin tomorrow morning then when we reconvence at 9am. Court is adjourned. *gavelbang*
mccabe trial