Case D: Arrest of Alex Lumberg

Sep 17, 2006 00:21

NYPDEames (6:42:18 PM): *DOINK DOINK* Welcome to the Lumberg House
Det. John Munch (6:42:46 PM): *knocks on the door*
NYPDEames (6:42:51 PM): *or apartment rather, neat, warm, welcoming place*
NYPDEames (6:43:06 PM): A little dark haired girl answers. "Hi!"
Det. Frankie Silvera (6:44:32 PM): *smiles* Hi. Is your father home?
Girl: *looks at them both* No.... he's at work. But my mommy is.
Det. John Munch (6:45:24 PM): Can we talk to her?
Girl: Who're you?
Det. John Munch (6:46:01 PM): We're the police...
Det. John Munch (6:46:04 PM): *badge out*
Det. Frankie Silvera (6:46:09 PM): *hers out too*
Girl: *looks at them* Ok. I'll go get Mommy.
*a middle aged woman appears* May I help you?
Det. John Munch (6:49:12 PM): Mrs. Lumberg?
NYPDEames (6:55:32 PM): Yes?
Det. John Munch (6:55:58 PM): I'm Detective Munch...this is Det. your son Alex home?
Mrs. Lumberg: *narrows her eyes* Why?
Det. John Munch (6:57:01 PM): Well, ma'am, we've got a murder weapon that his uncle Mr. Bossmon says he stole the day before the school shootings.
Mrs. Lumberg: My no good brother's been saying that about my boy?
Det. Frankie Silvera (6:58:07 PM): What makes him your "No good brother"?
Det. John Munch (6:58:17 PM): Says your son spent the night at his place to avoid getting into trouble at home...and we've got some eye witnesses who say Alex had reason to shoot those kids.
Mrs. Lumberg: Well, Alex is no angel, I'll give you that. And he's quite taken with his Uncle.
Det. John Munch (6:59:36 PM): *arms crossed* We'd like to talk with him, Mrs. Lumberg.
Mrs. Lumberg: *sighs* Fine..... Alex! Get your lazy butt out here!
Det. John Munch (7:00:35 PM): *raises his brows at Frankie*
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:00:47 PM): *shakes her head a little*
Alex Lumberg (7:01:51 PM): *a lanky teenager with baggy pants and an oversize shirt slinks out* Yeah ma?
NYPDEames (7:02:58 PM): Lady: These people wanna talk to you.
Det. John Munch (7:03:19 PM): *still holding out badge* Alex Lumberg....This is Det. Silvera...I'm Det. Munch...
Alex Lumberg: Yeah? What you want with me Barbie and Mr. Clinton?
Det. John Munch (7:04:13 PM): We'd like you to answer some questions. And if you keep up the attitude, we'll take you to *our* house and you can answer them there.
Alex Lumberg: You can't do that. You got nothing on me.
Det. John Munch (7:04:55 PM): Oh? We've got a murder weapon that;s owned by your uncle.
Det. John Munch (7:04:58 PM): Who says you stole it.
Det. John Munch (7:05:08 PM): *glare* That's probable cause right there.
Alex Lumberg: I didn't steal that gun.
Det. John Munch (7:05:29 PM): *to Frankie* Hey, "Barbie" the more I think about it, the more cause we *do* have to arrest this kid....
Alex Lumberg: *looks a little nervous* Yeah... right.
Det. John Munch (7:05:57 PM): That'll look good on your college resume.
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:06:12 PM): He is awfully paranoid for someone who didn't do anything.
Det. John Munch (7:06:20 PM): *checks his watch* Half an hour. That's about how long it'll take us to get a warrant....
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:06:49 PM): if that
Alex Lumberg: *looks shiftly at the door* Like I said... you got nothing.
Det. John Munch (7:07:24 PM): No? Then what's the problem with answering our questions? *to Frankie* Carmichael can have it here in 20 minutes, flat.
Alex Lumberg: What do you want to know?
Det. John Munch (7:11:57 PM): We found the murder weapon that killed peter Schumann, was registered to your uncle. He says you stole it.
Det. John Munch (7:12:02 PM): Which would're the murderer.
Det. John Munch (7:12:05 PM): Tell us why we're wrong.
Alex Lumberg: I'm not a murderer
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:12:38 PM): That didn't tell us why we're wrong...if you're not, who is?
Alex Lumberg: Those asshole nazis. They're the murderers.
Det. John Munch (7:13:15 PM): This is your chance to explain, Alex. Racial epithets don't mean shit in court.
Det. John Munch (7:13:22 PM): You explain. Or we have no other choice but to arrest you. *leans in, menacingly*
Alex Lumberg: Six million jews dead. I'm not the bad guy here.
Det. John Munch (7:14:30 PM): *sighs* Is he trying to give me a history lesson? *to Frankie*
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:14:34 PM): *sighs*
Det. John Munch (7:14:37 PM): Because history lessons? They also don't mean shit in court.
Det. John Munch (7:14:47 PM): *gets out his cell* I'm calling Carmichael....
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:14:54 PM): Look you're still not answering the question...
Alex Lumberg: What do you want me to say?
Det. John Munch (7:21:42 PM): I want you to tell us why I shouldn't hit it is you didn't steal that gun from your uncle's...
Alex Lumberg: He wouldn't care if I took it. He's my Uncle.
Det. John Munch (7:22:22 PM): So you're saying you took it?
Det. John Munch (7:24:44 PM): You know, it's against the law to lie to a police officer...*the menacing look again*
Alex Lumberg: Yeah, I took it.
Det. John Munch (7:28:24 PM): You admit you took the murder weapon...
Det. John Munch (7:28:31 PM): Hey, Silvera--I don't think we even need a warrant, now.
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:28:53 PM): Doesn't look like it.
Alex Lumberg: That doesn't mean I murdered anyone.
Det. John Munch (7:30:11 PM): It means you had the murder weapon in your possession.
Det. John Munch (7:30:18 PM): Which is reason enough for us to arrest you.
Alex Lumberg: Yeah. I had a gun. Because I was scared of those nazis. Do you know what they do to people like me?
Det. John Munch (7:30:48 PM): Barbie, sweetheart, care to do the honors? *to Mrs Lumberg* You can come with, of course. Hate for you to miss such a momentous occasion in your son's life.
Mrs Lumberg: If he says he didn't kill anyone, he didn't kill anyone.
Det. John Munch (7:31:57 PM): No? Too bad.
Alex Lumberg: Look, I took the gun to school for my own defense.
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:42:21 PM): Oh?
Alex Lumberg: Yeah. To scare them off, you know, shut them up.
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:43:10 PM): So how did it get used as a murder weapon?
Alex Lumberg: *doesn't say anything*
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:44:26 PM): *looks a little pissed off* Tell me...or I arrest you.
Alex Lumberg: I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt.
Mrs. Lumberg: Alex, don't say anything else.
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:45:22 PM): Alexander Lumberg *Pulls out handcuffs, which Matel sells seperately, to arrest the kid* you are under arrest for the murder of Peter Schumann, you have the right to *Miranda Rights*
Mrs Lumberg: I want my son to have a lawyer.
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:46:03 PM): Call one. *Frankie and Munch walk kid to their car*
Mrs. Lumberg: I will. And he won't answer any questions until I have one.
Det. Frankie Silvera (7:47:37 PM): Yes I understand the implications of the word lawyer...
Mrs. Lumberg: And Alex, you don't open your mouth until you have one

-Lumberg admits to having possession of the gun
-Is arrested by Silvera and Munch
-Says he 'didn't mean to hurt anyone.'
-Mom lawyers up before he can say anything else.

arrest, case d, silvera, lumberg

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