(no subject)

Aug 06, 2006 06:09

MCS Squadroom, One Police Plaza, 6:00 pm
*ME Rodgers comes in, looking around,*sees Eames and Eckerson, walks over*
Rodgers: Got part of your lab results back, guys...
Andy Eckerson: *is scribbling on the whiteboard in the conference room*
NYPDEames: *looks up* What'd you find?
Rodgers: Well the sheets didn't yield much...fluids belong to Crossley and an unidentified female, presumably your blond.
Rodgers: That duck, however.... *crosses her arms* *uncrosses them, crosses them again, and looks around*
NYPDEames: What about it? Blood's Crossley's right?
Andy Eckerson: I, too, am disturbed by the duck.
Rodgers: Yeah, the blood is Crossley's...and one set of prints. *frowning, looking bothered* *leans in, quieter* prints came up as a match in the system...
Andy Eckerson: *leans in* For who?
Rodgers: *mouth moves to the side a bit* Mike Logan.
Andy Eckerson: *Our* Mike Logan?
Rodgers: Yeah, *your* Mike Logan....you do know about him and Crossley, don't you?
NYPDEames: So that's the councilman...
Andy Eckerson: Is that what got him sent to Staten Island?
Rodgers: Sure was...
Andy Eckerson: So... you're sure?
Rodgers: Yeah, I'm sure....look....they were mostly smudged...it could mean any number of things...*suddenly defensive*
Andy Eckerson: And they're recent?
Rodgers: Look like it...*folds her arms again* I'm sure there's an explanation...
Andy Eckerson: I guess we need to talk to Mike.
*just then, a TARU tech comes in, a new techie by the look of him*
TARU Tech: *looks around, nervously* Is there a...Detective...*squints* Go-ran?
NYPDEames: *looks up* He's not here, I'm his partner.
TARU Tech: We looked over that video tape...*holding said tape*
NYPDEames: And?
TARU Tech: Not too much interesting...a slow night...your blond came in around 7:00pm...her face was hidden by a scarf though....Your corpse followed at around 7:30...Other than that...some japanese tourists...a guy hanging out with the concierge...kept looking around like something was up.
Andy Eckerson: Crap. If Eduardo turns out to be a master criminal I'll be pissed.
TARU Tech: The guy hanging around him looked like something was up, I mean...
Andy Eckerson: What time was this?
TARU Tech: *hands Andy the tape* You can see it if you want...it's at around 2am...
Andy Eckerson: *puts tape in VCR* *fastforwards*
NYPDEames: *bites her lip, looking a little pale* Um.... excuse me.... *takes off for the bathroom*
Andy Eckerson: *glances after her, then plays the tape*
At 2:02am, on the screen, a figure walks up to the concierge's table--we only see the back of him--around 6'1, broad shouldered
Andy Eckerson: *squints*
At 2:03am, the figure turns to the side, and his profile is seen--a distinct set of eyebrows and a hawk-nose
Andy Eckerson: *glances at Rodgers*
It looks like he's holding something in the front, not clear what*
Rodgers: Oh, shit...Don't tell me...
Andy Eckerson: Okay... we really have to call Mike now. Before IAB gets hold of this.
At 2:05am, the figure leans in, and discusses something with the concierge, very hush-hush
Andy Eckerson: *waits to see the rest of it*
2:10am, the figure, still holding something unidentified in front, goes around the concierge booth, still w/ his back facing the camera. A moment later, he appears to go out a back door leading...somewhere or other
Andy Eckerson: *to TARU guy* That it?
TARU Tech: That's about it....
Andy Eckerson: About it? Or it.
TARU Tech: That's it, sir...unless you want to see the blond...but like I said, that scarf got in the way.
Andy Eckerson: Let's look at her anyway. *rewinds and plays*
The woman in the scarf comes in, around 7:00. She's around 5'10, high-cheekboned, sunglasses and scarf obscuring the rest of her features. She appears to already have a key, which she takes out, and she steps onto the elevator
Andy Eckerson: Hmmm. *looks around* Where's Eames? I'm sure that concierge said the door was opened only after 8. Maybe this woman had another room in the hotel.
Dammit. I know I'm going to have to talk to that idiot concierge again.
Rodgers: I've gotta get back to the lab...let me know what happens with Logan....that dumbass...
Andy Eckerson: Okay, Doc.
NYPDEames: *comes back in, white as a sheet, and grabs her stuff off her desk without saying anything and starts to leave, quickly*
NYPDEames: *pauses and turns* I gotta go. I'm.... sick.... um.... call me later. *leaves*
Rodgers raises her brows and leaves*
Andy Eckerson: *sighs*
*the air conditioning hums*

MCS Squadroom, One Police Plaza, 6:15 pm
Andy Eckerson *picks up phone and dials the Logan home number*
It rings for awhile, and then Millie answers
NYPD Millie Viz: Hello?
Andy Eckerson: Hi Millie. It's Andy Eckerson.
NYPD Millie Viz: Hi, Andy...how's it going?
Andy Eckerson: Not too bad. Is Mike there?
NYPD Millie Viz: Yeah, but he's sleeping...can I take a message?
Andy Eckerson: Actually it's kind of important that I talk to him.
NYPD Millie Viz: *she sighs, and there's the sound of the baby cooing in the background* Look, he said not to take any work calls...
Andy Eckerson: Millie, believe me, he has to take this one.
NYPD Millie Viz: *suddenly concerned* Just a second....I'll go get him...
::Sounds of fumbling and groaning::
Detective Logan: Yeah? ::cranky and just awake::
Andy Eckerson: Mike? It's Eckerson.
Detective Logan: So I hear. What's up?
Andy Eckerson: You heard about the murder? Crossley?
Detective Logan: No....Crossely? Kevin Crossley?
Andy Eckerson: Yeah, Kevin Crossley. Well, Councilman Crossley was murdered.
Detective Logan: Good.
Andy Eckerson: *takes a deep breath* You might not want to be saying that, Mike.
Detective Logan: Couldn't have happened to a nicer pile of sh- why?
Andy Eckerson: We've got a bit of a problem.
Detective Logan: What?
Andy Eckerson: There's evidence that you were at the crime scene.
Detective Logan: Look, I have...WHAT?
Andy Eckerson: You were at the Mandarin Hotel?
Detective Logan: Yeah....
Andy Eckerson: We have you on security camera footage as being there about the time Crossley was killed.
Detective Logan: What? What the hell?
Andy Eckerson: And your fingerprints were found on the murder weapon.
Detective Logan: I was just there to see....WHAT? That's bullshit!
Andy Eckerson: You really need a good explanation for this, Mike. We all know you had a beef with him.
Detective Logan: Yeah, so? I have problems with a lotta people.
Andy Eckerson: So it looks bad. Really, really bad.
Detective Logan: Look, I was only in there seeing a friend of mine. That's ALL. I didn't even know Crossley was there!
Andy Eckerson: So what about the fingerprints? You been handling any ducks recently?
Detective Logan: Ducks?
Andy Eckerson: Ceramic ducks.
Detective Logan: Ceramic....yeah. That Noth asshole mailed me a blue duck
Andy Eckerson: Still got it?
Detective Logan: Nah, Milie made me get rid of it. I......I mailed it to Crossley. I asked Caro to toss it in the mail....but she, well, I tossed it in myself.
Andy Eckerson: Christ. It's still a big coincidence.
Detective Logan: Yeah, well, that's what it IS - a coincidence.
Andy Eckerson: Okay. Well, you'll need to come in at some point and make a statement.
Detective Logan: Make a - you're KIDDING.
Andy Eckerson: You want IAB on your ass?
Detective Logan: IAB??? Andy, what the hell.....Carolyn saw me pack the damn thing up. Ask Strange Eddie....he'll tell you we just shot the shit.
Andy Eckerson: We talked to him. He somehow neglected to mention you...
Detective Logan: Well, I hardly think he'd mention that he fucked off work for like an hour...
Andy Eckerson: He did, actually. Eddie seemed perfectly willing to tell us he did hardly any work, but went all pale at the mention of cops.
Detective Logan: He let me use a suite two months ago. I may have fixed a few d&d's and a public piss charge for him....I didn't DO this.
Andy Eckerson: Look, I'm trying to cover your ass, okay. That's why I'm calling you before IAB get wind of this, so we can straighten everything out.
Detective Logan: Hang on....
in the background, muffled speaking and Millie saying WHAT??
Detective Logan: You really think I'm gonna kill a guy? In front of my kid?
Andy Eckerson: *confused* Your kid was there?
Detective Logan: Yeah, I was walking the baby. It's why I went to see Eddie.
Andy Eckerson: I don't follow.
Detective Logan: She has colic. I walk her so Millie can sleep. I was out, I dropped by to show Eddie.....That's pretty much it. I mean, she had a serious diaper thing while we were there, and a bunch of people gave us dirty looks, because of the crying....
Andy Eckerson: *resolves never to have kids* I see...
Detective Logan: Yeah. That's your statement. I was there, I didn't do it.
Andy Eckerson: Okay. Don't suppose you saw anything weird while you were there, did you?
Detective Logan: Only the diaper thing...and Eddie.
Andy Eckerson: You think Eddie's a stand up guy?
Detective Logan: Yeah, he's a freak....'swhy he gets called Strange Eddie, but I've known him a while. He might be skimming off the hotel, at most.
Andy Eckerson: Fair enough. *thinks* You know the bartender there, Cate?
Detective Logan: No. Why?
Andy Eckerson: Just checking. *looks relieved*
Detective Logan: Ok...
Andy Eckerson: Take care of yourself, Mike.
Detective Logan: Ok, thanks, Andy....keep me in the loop, hunh?
Andy Eckerson: Will do. *click*

case e

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