Fairfax Interrogation

Jun 28, 2006 03:24

::DOINKDOINK:: MCS Interrogation Room:: ::Brynn Fairfax sits up straight, looking at the wall::
detectivelogan: ::Brings folder with crime scene pics, emails and all - looks grim::
carolynbarek: ::follows him in, not to pleased to be seeing her again::
Brynn Fairfax: ::she looks at them, smirks, says nothing, folding her hands together primly::
Brynn Fairfax: ::she is tall and blonde, btw::
Brynn Fairfax: ::the kind who works out and eats organic food, powertripper::

Brynn Fairfax: ::her hair in a ponytail, suit on...for continuity they haven't been arraigned yet::
detectivelogan: So, Ms. Fairfax....did you want to give us your side of the story before your boss sets you up for the fall?
detectivelogan: I mean, we *know* Parker's the brains of the operation.
detectivelogan: Parker'll say anything.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smirks::
detectivelogan: So where does that leave you?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles, flips her hair, says nothing::

detectivelogan: Because I gotta tell you, juries LOVE hanging ice-queens like you.
Brynn Fairfax: ::looks at her nails, looks back at him:: I'm sorry, were you saying something?
carolynbarek: You didn't have much to do with it, did you? You were just doing your job. I understand that.
detectivelogan: Rich, white and snotty? Twelve average Joes who never made the cheer squad are gonna hang you.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she glares at Logan:: I was on the debate team. And the president of the theatre club. And I worked damn hard to get where I am. I'm not telling you shit.
detectivelogan: ::gets RIGHT in her face:: Oh, that's fine by me.

carolynbarek: ::warning:: Hey, Logan... ::to Brynn Fairfax:: Being one of the best is hard.
detectivelogan: ::low and evil::: Because *I* don't like your kind. My partner here thinks we should help you. Me? Fuck you. I'll pin the whole thing on you and laugh.
detectivelogan: I have a paper trail I can build to your door, sweetheart.
carolynbarek: ::glares at Logan::
carolynbarek: There's a lot of pressure at the top and a lot of people trying to bring you down.
detectivelogan: ::looks at her up and down, like she's about to become a victim right here::
Brynn Fairfax: ::to Barek:: You're damn right. You should know. Goddamned men. Like *him*. *glares at Logan* *to Barek* You should be bossing his ass around, you know.

detectivelogan: Pfft.
detectivelogan: ::stands back up::
Brynn Fairfax: ::Fairfax, by the way, is *not* intimidated by Mike, and shows no signs of being so, or backing down::
carolynbarek: He'll sit in the corner if I want him to.
detectivelogan: Women like you talk the talk.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles at Barek:: You should be doing something else...not....::glances around the interrogation room:: Not this. With dumbasses like that.
detectivelogan: Barek, get me some coffee, willya?

carolynbarek: Someone has to do it... ::glares at Logan:: No.
detectivelogan: Senior Detective, sweetcheeks.
detectivelogan: Now go.
carolynbarek: ::sighs and walks out of the room::
detectivelogan: See?
detectivelogan: ::piggy smirk::
detectivelogan: Not as well trained as the wife...yet.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles a little too calmly:: Cute. It's like, you're an ass and she had to get away before she died of not giving a shit.

detectivelogan: ::laugh:: Yeah, sure.
detectivelogan: Look, she's my partner because my hand cramps when I do paperwork.
detectivelogan: And they can't call them freakin' secretaries anymore.
detectivelogan: She dress like shit, though. ::musing::
Brynn Fairfax: I'm not stupid, *airquotes* "Detective." I watch enough cop shows to know your act. ::leans back, yawns:: Wake me when the real cops get here.
carolynbarek: ::walks back in with the coffee and roughly shoves it into his hands, sloshing some over the sides:: There's no milk.

detectivelogan: Think what you want.
Brynn Fairfax: Oh, I do. And I think I'm through speaking with you.
detectivelogan: Great. You know there's some downstairs. Your fat ass could use the exercise.
carolynbarek: ::sits down next to Brynn Fairfax:: Shut up!
Brynn Fairfax: ::to Barek:: You know, I bet you know some great techniques that would make him shut the fuck up. But see, you're too smart, to do that.
detectivelogan: Oh, whatever.

carolynbarek: ::quieter:: Damn men. I'm not your fucking secretary. I carry a fucking gun and one of these days I'll use it too.
detectivelogan: ::snort::
carolynbarek: Oh yeah? Like what?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles at Carolyn:: You see. You can take care of yourself.
detectivelogan: Yeah, ok.
carolynbarek: Parker ever treat you like this?
detectivelogan: ::rolls eyes::
Brynn Fairfax: ::she laughs:: Adam? Give me a break. He's a very smart man...but he lacks a certain charisma. It's why he stays in the back and drives the slaves.

detectivelogan: So what good are you, eye-candy?
carolynbarek: Shut up, Logan.
detectivelogan: Suck it, Barek.
Brynn Fairfax: ::still only talking to Barek:: The agents do the work. He gets the credit. But not Gabe and I. *We* he gives credit to. Because we're the best.
detectivelogan: Again. ::nasty smirk::
carolynbarek: ::throws a pencil at him::
carolynbarek: How'd you get him to treat you like that?

carolynbarek: These days if a woman wants to work she's got to be a bitch to some man.
detectivelogan: :;snort:: You got that right.
Brynn Fairfax: How do you think? ::smirks::
carolynbarek: ::opens her mouth:: You ended it, right?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles sweetly:: Ended what?
carolynbarek: Well, I suppose you've got to keep your place... But still... ::twitches slightly::
Brynn Fairfax: Oh, you think I fucked Adam. ::laughs::
carolynbarek: ::raises an eyebrow:: You didn't?

detectivelogan: Yeah, right. She's full of shit.
carolynbarek: You're full of shit if you think I'm doing anything for you again.
Brynn Fairfax: ::to Barek:: No, I didn't.
carolynbarek: What'd you do? ::glares at Logan:: I might put it to use.
detectivelogan: ::ignores her. goes at Caro again:: Excuse me?
detectivelogan: I think I need a new pen. Fetch, girl, fetch!
carolynbarek: I threw one at you. Bend over and pick it up.
carolynbarek: Or are you too old?

detectivelogan: ::smirks;; I believe that's MY line.
detectivelogan: But hey, all cats a gray in the dark.
carolynbarek: ::matches his smirk:: I learn from the best.
detectivelogan: What's that they say? They don't swell...
detectivelogan: They don't smell...and they're grateful as hell?
carolynbarek: ::gives a look to Brynn Fairfax:: He's not right in the head.
Brynn Fairfax: ::to Barek:: Hard work and determination.
detectivelogan: Yeah, that's how Barek made detective.
carolynbarek: Hmm, guess the agency business is a little different than public defense. I've been doing that for years and look who they gave me.

detectivelogan: That. and the ability to unhinge her jaw on command.
Brynn Fairfax: ::to Barek:: I'm sure he'll fall over dead with some hooker soon. And then you'll get yours.
carolynbarek: We can only hope.
detectivelogan: ::smug smirk::
detectivelogan: Isn't that cute. Two barking bitches.
carolynbarek: Shall I give Munch a ring?
carolynbarek: Maybe you two can spend some time together.

detectivelogan: Hey, as the *senior,* qualified detective, you know I have to sign off on this.
carolynbarek: ::stands:: You want to take this on your own? Fine. I can leave.
detectivelogan: Trust me. If he thought YOUR work was good enough, he would have let me skip out early again.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she yawns, leaning back::
carolynbarek: ::glares at him:: Would you like me to leave?
detectivelogan: I'd like you. To. Fetch. another. Pen.
carolynbarek: ::leaves in a huff::
detectivelogan: So, sweetheart,. why don't you see about making nice?

Brynn Fairfax: ::she taps her fingers on the desk::
Brynn Fairfax: ::yawns::
carolynbarek: ::walks back in and throws five of Alex's pens at him::
detectivelogan: Nice act, by the way...
detectivelogan: Hey.
detectivelogan: Fuckin' cut it out, Barek!
detectivelogan: You want *another* write up?
carolynbarek: You wanted a pen. Now you have five.

carolynbarek: Sure, use the pen I brought you. ::sits down next to Fairfax again::
detectivelogan: ::glares::
detectivelogan: You know, I think I will.
carolynbarek: ::glares right back:: Fine. Do it.
detectivelogan: Good luck with your fellow tail.
detectivelogan: I'll be back with your discipline report.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she yawns::
detectivelogan: ::picks up a pen and goes out::
carolynbarek: How do you work and avoid shit like that?

detectivelogan: ::watching through window::
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smirks:: Adam's a moron and Gabe lets me do as I please.
carolynbarek: So you can just walk all over Adam? Sounds nice.
Brynn Fairfax: ::smiles:: Adam wants us to get the job done. He doesn't care how.
carolynbarek: The job is recruiting actors and finding them gigs, right?
Brynn Fairfax: It's more than that. It's making them stars. It's making them the best. It's about finding the best and making them better.
carolynbarek: People like Christine Salsman. Another woman trying to get a footing in a man's world.
Brynn Fairfax: Exactly.

carolynbarek: What do you do to help them? Has to be something more than just finding them jobs if you're pushing them to be the best.
Brynn Fairfax: We make them stars.
carolynbarek: Hey, I have a friend who's trying to break into the acting world. She's still a bit young but...what could she do to break in? What kinds of people should she avoid? That kind of thing.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she laughs:: They should avoid appearing over eager to ruthless agents.
carolynbarek: Like who, for instance? Surely you aren't ruthless. That could screw up all you worked for.
carolynbarek: Is Adam ruthless?

::Rodgers walks in:: 'Scuse me, someone called for a DNA sample?
carolynbarek: ::looks up:: Oh, that's right. We'll need DNA just to rule you out. I don't think you had anything to do with it, but apparently what I say doesn't matter.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smirks:: Sorry, I don't consent to anything without my lawyer.
carolynbarek: We might want to get him down here then. You're going to want this to prove your innocence.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smirks:: What do I have to do? spit in a cup?
carolynbarek: Something like that. Except there's a cotton swab in your mouth.
Brynn Fairfax: Right. Whatever. Fine.
Rodgers: Open wide. ::smirk::

Brynn Fairfax: does so and rodgers takes a sample::
Rodgers: Alright, thanks..::goes to leave, socking Logan on her way out::
detectivelogan: :;flips her the bird, with a grin::
Rodgers: ::Rodgers smirks back. "Catch you later, Logan."
detectivelogan: You wish, Rodgers.
Rodgers: In your dreams, kid.
carolynbarek: That's just so we can make sure you didn't do anything to the cop who was killed.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles:: I didn't.

carolynbarek: And I don't think you did. I mean, why would you? He wasn't getting in your way.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles:: I heard it was an accident.
carolynbarek: Do you know an Annette Sears by any chance?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she laughs:: Yes. One of our first clients. Unfortunately. But Gabe's a wimp so we kept her.
carolynbarek: Was he nice with all the clients? Maybe took them out, gave them jewelry to keep their loyalty?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles:: We gave them promotional jewelry. To promote elitism.
carolynbarek: Now that makes sense. You're a smart business woman.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smiles:: First in my class at Harvard Business School

carolynbarek: ::returns her smile and grabs an evidence bag with the single charm in it:: Was the jewelry made with these charms.
Brynn Fairfax: Yes. It was.
carolynbarek: How many pieces of jewelry made of these were passed out?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she shrugs:: Four.
detectivelogan: ::comes back in::
carolynbarek: Did the others go to Diane Vale, Jenny Lynn Taylor and Peter Dixon?
carolynbarek: ::notices him walk in and ignores him as best she can::

Brynn Fairfax: :;she shrugs:: Does it matter?
Brynn Fairfax: ::sideways glare at Mike::
carolynbarek: Do you know those names? Other than just being big names?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she shrugs::
carolynbarek: How were they purchased?
Brynn Fairfax: ::shrugs again, with another yawn::
detectivelogan: Well, I hate to interrupt the fun, but it looks like the game's over.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she smirks::
detectivelogan: Olivera played "who wants to make a deal"

Brynn Fairfax: ::and then her eyes widen:: What??
detectivelogan: and guess what? She *is* the brains of the outfit!
detectivelogan: Sorry, Caro. You were right.
Brynn Fairfax: Fucking son of a bitch!
detectivelogan: Apparently it was all on her orders...
detectivelogan: He's even fingering her for Baer.
detectivelogan: Murder one.

detectivelogan: And the sexual assaults.
detectivelogan: ::low whistle:: Now that's nasty.
carolynbarek: ::looks at Fairfax, acts almost betrayed:: You did this?
Brynn Fairfax: ::laughs:: Fucking bastard. He dropped the goddamned chandelier on the cop.
detectivelogan: Of course he dropped it. He says you gave the orders, though?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she laughs:: Whatever. He dropped it. Just like he cut the line on Jenny Taylor. She wouldn't sleep with him. Goddamned man.
detectivelogan: How do we know you're not lying?
detectivelogan: He was crying like a baby.
Brynn Fairfax: ::smirks:: She wouldn't have sex with him so he did it himself, then killed her. He's a really good actor. Not good enough for Broadway, so he had to make his living getting others on stage.

Brynn Fairfax: Sad story, really.
carolynbarek: What about Diane?
Brynn Fairfax: Diana had lots of enemies. ::smirk::
detectivelogan: Yeah, but we had *two* types of sexual assault.
detectivelogan: In other words, we KNOW there was a *female* involved in the rapes, too.
detectivelogan: Olivera says that's you.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she laughs:: You can't rape a man.
carolynbarek: It's happened before. And the courts have ruled.

detectivelogan: ::raises eyebrows::
carolynbarek: Would you like to take your chances with that?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she laughs again:: That's ridiculous. peter Dixon was attracted to me. He *showed* that attraction, very visibly I might add.
detectivelogan: WE have your word and Olivera's.
detectivelogan: Dixon's out of the picture.
carolynbarek: We'd like to know how you think that happened.
Brynn Fairfax: How what happened?
Brynn Fairfax: Gabe wasn't there when Dixon and I had sex.

Brynn Fairfax: ::eyeroll::
detectivelogan: Mhmm. Were you there when they did?
Brynn Fairfax: ::laughs:: No.
carolynbarek: How come Dixon isn't here to vouch for that?
Brynn Fairfax: ::she clenches her jaw::I want my lawyer.
carolynbarek: ::raises an eyebrow at Logan::
detectivelogan: Suit yourself. Too bad you don;t want us to help you out..
detectivelogan: ::gets up, goes to the hallway::
Brynn Fairfax: ::glares at Logan: You hate my guts and don't want to do shit for me, so spare me the bullshit.

nypddetgoren: *watches in the cool deally room*
detectivelogan: ::laughs. This is true. ::exits::
Brynn Fairfax: ::glares at Logan as he leaves:: Fucking asshole.
carolynbarek: ::sighs and sits down again:: Sometimes men are just the most aggravating thing...
detectivelogan: ::hears that:: Why, yes, I have on occasion. Liked it, too ::to Goren::
nypddetgoren: *glances at Mike* I really didn't need to know that.
carolynbarek: You're right. He doesn't care. He thinks you're scum and that you murdered three people -and- his coworker.
Brynn Fairfax: ::she rolls her eyes:: No one's perfect.
detectivelogan: Oh please. You've never attempted to use the back exit?
carolynbarek: As it stands, Olivera has put you in a bad position. They're going to believe him unless you give us something to work with.

Brynn Fairfax: Gabe killed the cop.
carolynbarek: What about the other four?
Brynn Fairfax: ::narrows her eyes::
Brynn Fairfax: Go fuck your partner or something. You've fucked around with me enough.
Brynn Fairfax: Goddamned cops and their fucking lying.
detectivelogan: You know, at one point, I would have thanked her for that idea.
detectivelogan: ::heavy sigh::
carolynbarek: We went through this already. I don't fuck my partner.

nypddetgoren: Wow. I don't lie, do you lie? We never lie, we're cops, we never lie. How..how would she get that idea?
detectivelogan: I KNOW.
detectivelogan: I mean the fucking, not the lying. I lie like hell.
detectivelogan: You do that masquerade shit with Eames all the time.
detectivelogan: Lah-dee-dah, I need new shoes???
Brynn Fairfax: ::she rolls her eyes:: He tell you to say that?
detectivelogan: OOOH, I just LooooVE vampire books.
detectivelogan: Shya.

nypddetgoren: And most of the time it works too.
detectivelogan: Yeah, I'm not complaining.
detectivelogan: But it's still lying.
carolynbarek: ::stands:: Believe it or not, not all women have to use themselves to have a good relationship with their work partners.
detectivelogan: And now you're married.
Brynn Fairfax: You fucking bitch! ::lunges across the table, manicured nails ripping across Carolyn's face, hard::
detectivelogan: Yeah, you better learn FAST. Even though she's asking you if she looks fat because she knows she looks fat...
detectivelogan: HOLY SHIT

nypddetgoren: The lying thing? That was sarcasm. Whoa shit.
carolynbarek: ::tries to move to the side::
detectivelogan: ::runs in::
Brynn Fairfax: ::claws in::
nypddetgoren: *runs in too*
Brynn Fairfax: ::attack mode in full::
Brynn Fairfax: ::clawing hard, ripping @ Carolyn's hair::
detectivelogan: ::::grabs her harder than necessary::
detectivelogan: DOWN.
Brynn Fairfax: ::kicks him in the groin::

carolynbarek: ::hides her face in her hands::
detectivelogan: OW!
detectivelogan: ::grabs at them::
Brynn Fairfax: ::kicks him again::
nypddetgoren: *grabs Fairfax and tries to shove her against the wall*
detectivelogan: Shit!
detectivelogan: ::crawls to his feet::
detectivelogan: ::nostril flaring::

Brynn Fairfax: ::squirms as Bobby holds her to the wall::
detectivelogan: :;and moving v, awkwardly::
::two uniforms run in::
detectivelogan: I'm gonna kill her....
detectivelogan: ::muttered::
carolynbarek: ::Caro stands, leaning against the wall and breathing hard, face bloody::
nypddetgoren: *holds her against the wall while the uniforms run in, and looks back at Mike and Caro* Are you ok? Caro?
detectivelogan: ::is going purposefully towards Fairfax when he hears that::

detectivelogan: ::Looks over::
detectivelogan: Caro?
Brynn Fairfax: ::glaring::
carolynbarek: ::nods but looks frightened::
carolynbarek: ::and pissed::
detectivelogan: ::rage settles over his features::
detectivelogan: BIG. Mistake.

carolynbarek: ::warning:: Logan...
detectivelogan: ::grabs her, slams he on the table::
nypddetgoren: Mike!
detectivelogan: You're under arrest for assault.
detectivelogan: ::calm, but there's a deadly rage::
detectivelogan: ::he's holding her by the neck::
Brynn Fairfax: I was already under arrest you goddamned imbecile. I want MY FUCKING LAWYER! ::screeches::
detectivelogan: Get the fucking ME. She's unstable. ::thump::
detectivelogan: On drugs ::thump::

carolynbarek: Logan!
detectivelogan: And OBVIOUSLY dangerous.
Brynn Fairfax: God..dammit...I hope...that...made you...fucking...sterile...
::one uniform tries to pull Logan away while the other tries to pull Fairfax aside::
detectivelogan: Screw you. ::thump::
nypddetgoren: Logan, knock it off!
Brynn Fairfax: ::she lets the uniform lead her away, muttering something about "Unfit to reproduce"::
detectivelogan: ::he's still kinda wobbly from the kick, it's not all that hard to get him::
detectivelogan: ...trashcan.

detectivelogan: Now!
detectivelogan: ::dry heaving::
nypddetgoren: *hands over trashcan*
detectivelogan: ::vomits::
carolynbarek: ::looks away::
detectivelogan: Shit. I need a medic.
detectivelogan: I think I'm bleeding.
detectivelogan: And Caro..

carolynbarek: ::looks back:: Yeah?
detectivelogan: Your face...
carolynbarek: I'll live.
detectivelogan: Good.
detectivelogan: ::crumple::
carolynbarek: ::says something quietly in Polish::
nypddetgoren: *um, checks pulse to be safe, then looks up* I'm getting the paramedics, Caro are you ok to stay with him?

carolynbarek: ::nods::
nypddetgoren: *leaves* (...) *to go get paramedics and call Millie...*
::paramedics rush in:: ::to Caro;: what happened?
carolynbarek: Fairfax went off. Goren and Logan ran in to help... She kicked him.
paramedic dude:: ....Where?
carolynbarek: Between the legs.
paramedic dude: Duuude...
::paramedic dude to other paramedic dudette:: Alright...lift carefully...
::and they heave and ho and lift Mike onto the stretcher::

~Mike and Caro "fight" so Caro can gain Fairfax's trust
~Fairfax explains how the charms were for an "elite society" kind of thing
~Fairfax begins to open up when she hears that Olivera is spilling, angrily
~Caro tries to get more out of her but Fairfax attacks
~Mike passes out and is taken to the hospital

diana vale, goren, case c, logan, vale, dixon, mcs, barek, baer

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