Diana Vale crime scene, initial interviews (and all that jazz)

Jun 09, 2006 13:11


Det. Mike Logan: ::Mike sits at his desk, throwing paper
wads at the trash::
::and the phone rings on::
Det. Mike Logan: ::Picks up::
Det. Mike Logan: Major case and pizza, may I help you?
Dr. E. Rodgers: ::the voice on the other end was not amused:: Logan?
Det. Mike Logan: No, this is Kennie Briscoe. Hang on, I'll get him..
Det. Mike Logan: ::makes transferring noises.::
Det. Mike Logan: Logan.
Dr. E. Rodgers: ::Dumbass.
Det. Mike Logan: I'm sorry, who?
Dr. E. Rodgers: ::This is the medical examiner, Logan. perhaps
you've met me before.
Det. Mike Logan: Ohhh, how could I forget you, Doc?
Det. Mike Logan: Or should I call you Doctor Love?
Dr. E. Rodgers: Ha. I'm at the Ambassador Theatre on 49th. I'd
suggest some of you get over here.
Det. Mike Logan: What’s up? Or who’s down?
Dr. E. Rodgers: We've got the star of Chicago, killed....on stage.
Det. Mike Logan: No shit?
Dr. E. Rodgers: No shit. In front of a thousand adoring fans.
Det. Mike Logan: Well, then. I guess the show didn't go on.
Det. Mike Logan: We'll get it in gear.
Det. Mike Logan: Any guesses how they bowed out?
Dr. E. Rodgers: Yeah, I'll give you specifics when you get
down here...

::Act 1, Scene 1: Diana Vale’s Death::

::the theatre is cleared, but for medical personnel and uniforms...on the stage, in the center, is Rodgers with the body, which is still costumed, sprawled where she fell, center

Det. Mike Logan: Whoa. Safe to say her performance was a flop.
Det. Alex Eames: ::goes over to Rodgers:: What killed her?
Det. Caro Barek: ::looks around the stage but stays near
Rodgers and the other detectives::

::the body of Diana Vale looks pristine, as if nothing happened, as if she's merely asleep::

Dr. E. Rodgers: ::looks up::
Det. Mike Logan: What's the news?
Dr. E. Rodgers: Diana Vale, age 27. ::turns the body over, so she's laying up, staring at them,closes the eyes:: Not even going into rigor yet....
Det. Mike Logan: How'd she check out?
Dr. E. Rodgers: At first it appeared to be some sort of freak
heart attack...then I saw this...::she turns over the vic's left
arm--there are needle bruisings::
Det. Mike Logan: Mmhmm. You're gonna need to analyze it and see what was in the hot shot?
Dr. E. Rodgers: That's right. Bruising is post-mortem. Meaning it was done right before she died.
::a uniform runs up::
Uniform: Detectives?
Det. Mike Logan: That's right?
Det. Alex Eames: ::turns to the uniform:: Yeah?
Uniform: There are some cast members backstage...and the director...
Dr. E. Rodgers: ::frowning, looking at the vic's wrists::
Det. Mike Logan: Problems?
Det. Alex Eames: We need to talk to the stage manager and find
out exactly who was were right before her number.
Dr. E. Rodgers: Last time I saw this show...Velma Kelly didn't wear an expensive bracelet like this...::holds up the right wrist:: ::the bracelet glitters:: Far as I can
tell...those are real diamonds...
Det. Mike Logan: Ah-ha...::puts on gloves, takes it off::
Det. Alex Eames: Hm.... nice, but definately not costume jewelry
Det. Mike Logan: ::checks for inscription::
Det. Caro Barek: Are you sure they're not cubic zirconium?
Det. Mike Logan: Maybe we can tell who made it, and if we
know that...we can see who bought it.
::the bracelet is small horseshoes::with tiny diamonds::
Dr. E. Rodgers: Honey, I've had a diamond or two in
my life...these are real.
Det. Mike Logan: "cause Broadway is nice, but it doesn't pay
this well.
: ::no inscription::
Det. Caro Barek: ::nods::
Det. Alex Eames: ::glances at her watch:: should be back...
::looks up:: excuse me. ::goes to make a phone call::
Det. Mike Logan: Bag it, photo it.
Det. Mike Logan: There's your razzle-dazzle, right there....
Det. Mike Logan: Thanks for the tip, Rodgers

Act 1, Scene 2: The Director
::an over-excited man pushes past a couple uniforms::
Carl preston: Oh god! ::his voice is high-pitched:: Oh, god! Diana! ::he
Det. Mike Logan: Whoa. Sir, you'll need to step away from the corpse.
Det. Caro Barek: ::walks over to the man calmly:: Sir, come with me.
Carl preston: ::the man is short and a bit plump:: She was
my star! My star!: ::he puts a hand to his forehead::
Det. Alex Eames: ::comes back over:: Bobby's on his way.
Det. Mike Logan: Great....
Det. Caro Barek: Sir, ::puts a hand on his shoulder:: Please, let me take you somewhere else and we'll talk about it.
Det. Mike Logan: ::nods head at the man:: Think we got the
director over there.
Carl preston ::the man flails some more:: She...was perfect.
Det. Alex Eames: Great. Once he's stopped flailing he can tell us
who was backstage.
Det. Mike Logan: anyone who'd disagree with that?
Det. Caro Barek: ::crouches down to his eye level:: Sir, may
I talk with you, please?
::the director is crying::
Det. Mike Logan: Not to be blunt, but you know who she was
keeping company with?
Dr. E. Rodgers: Horseshoes...interesting...
Carl preston: Excuse me? Who are you?
Det. Caro Barek: Dets. Logan and Barek, NYPD
Det. Mike Logan: Probably a custom piece ::to R::
Det. Caro Barek: And Det. Eames. ::points her out::
Carl preston: ::he holds out a hand to Barek:: Carl preston. Director.
Det. Caro Barek: ::shakes his hand:: Mr. Preston, let's go
back stage and talk. Is that alright?
Det. Alex Eames: Was the cast and crew sent home?
::Carl follows her, muttering about Diana and how she was perfect::
Det. Mike Logan: Think they're backstage
Det. Alex Eames: Well no one knows the dirt on the lead actress
better than those under her. Let's find the understudy.
Det. Mike Logan: Sounds like a plan.

::they goes backstage to find the new Velma::
::Rodgers is still over the body::

Act 1, Scene 3: Backstage
There is prominently, a woman powdering her nose, looking nonchalant, prissy even..there's a girl near her looking bored::

Det. Alex Eames: ::looks down at a program for the understudy's name::
::Bronwyn Halliday, plays Roxie Hart and understudies Velma Kelly. Miranda Chavez understudies Roxie Hart, and is a chorus girl::

Det. Alex Eames: ::goes over to Bronwyn Halliday:: Miss Halliday?
::Bronwyn is the one who was powdering her nose:she looks extremely perky::
Bronwyn Halliday: ::smiling:: Are you the cops?
Det. Alex Eames: ::flashes her badge:: Detective Eames.
Bronwyn Halliday: ::she smiles and then looks over at Mike and
flashes her smile even broader::
Det. Alex Eames: Forgive me Miss Halliday, but you don't seem
particularly shaken up.
BH: *shrugs* Why would I be? Do you think
there's going to be TV cameras? *fluffs her hair* *looks to her mirror*
Det. Alex Eames: Doubtful. Mind answering a few questions?
BH: Sure. ::she looks at Eames' notebook:; That's B-r-o-n-w-y-n. And Halliday with two a's.
Det. Alex Eames: ::sarcastically:: I got it thanks. So when did
you last see Miss Vale?
BH: Before the show started.
Det. Alex Eames: And did you notice anything out of the ordinary about her?
BH: Other than the usual bitchiness? No.
Det. Alex Eames: So she was a real prima donna?
BH: The definition of.
Det. Alex Eames: She have anyone she was friendly with? Maybe a boyfriend?
BH: *laughs* I didn't hang out with her....you
should talk to Miranda...::snort::
Det. Alex Eames: She and Miranda hung out?
BH: They used to.
BH: Used to be real friendly.
Det. Alex Eames: Used to? What happened?
BH: ::smirk:: I really don't know. Like I said, Diana Vale was a bitch. My guess is someone finally stabbed her in the back.
Det. Alex Eames: Right.... and where were you before her first
number tonight Miss Halliday?
BH: I was on stage already. Her number intermingles with mine. I finish the last half of the song. But *glare* we didn't get to that part.
7:32:54 PM Det. Alex Eames: Gee. That's too bad for you. One more thing Miss
Halliday, you know if Miranda and Diana used any drugs? Took any
medication? That sort of thing. Since I'm sure you have the inside
scoop on everyone around here
BH: Snorting stuff ruins your voice.
BH: And injecting it leaves nasty marks.
7:33:40 PM Det. Alex Eames: Marks like bruising. Right?
BH: Track marks.
7:35:10 PM Det. Alex Eames: Right. So no actress would ever do something
like that to herself.
BH:I'm not saying they wouldn't...I don't know
who does what. *I* stick to alcohol. It's far less visible.
Det. Alex Eames: Okay. You see anyone new backstage tonight?
BH: No. It's dark.
Det. Bobby Goren: ::walks backstage, but stands behind them,
just listening::

Det. Alex Eames: Anyone she particularly manage to piss off
recently? I mean, you said she was a bitch.
BH: Like I said, you want to talk to Miranda.
I steer clear of her.
Det. Alex Eames: Ok. Thank you for your time Miss Halliday.
::gets up and spies Bobby and goes over to him:: Have fun?
: ::the other girl, the one who had looked
bored, slams her phone shut:: Dammit! Fucking bitch!
Det. Bobby Goren: Yes.. it was great... ::glances at Halliday,
then looks back to Eames:: Who have you talked to so far?
Det. Alex Eames: Just Halliday. ::glances at the bored one::
Wonder what that was about.
Det. Bobby Goren: Well.. let's go find out.

Miranda Chavez ::the girl clutches her phone, seething:: Goddamn her!
Det. Alex Eames: ::goes to the fucking bitch lady:: Excuse me, Miss?
Det. Bobby Goren: ::follows Eames over there, holds his binder
with one hand::
::Miranda Chavez, short, long black hair back
in a tie:: ::snarls:: What?
Det. Alex Eames: I'm Detective Eames, this is Detective Goren,
::idea light from the playbill:: Are you Miranda Chavez?
Miranda Chavez: ::she sneers:: Yes.
Det. Bobby Goren: Do you mind if we ask you a few questions, Miss Chavez?
MC: ::she narrows her eyes, sizing him up:: Sure, Doughboy.
Det. Alex Eames: Browyn Halliday said you and Diana Vale were
real buddies.
MC: Bronwyn can eat shit and die for all I
care. And Diana Vale was *not* my friend.
Det. Alex Eames: Really? What happened there?
MC: She's--excuse me, was--*snarl*--a two-faced whore.
Det. Alex Eames: Well that's a reason. What specifically made her
a two-faced whore? Steal your boyfriend?
MC: Mine and about everyone else's on Broadway.
She's not that great of a singer. Old Carl just likes her because
he's going senile. She got to where she was by fucking. plain and
Det. Alex Eames: Old Carl?
MC: Our director. Carl preston.
Det. Mike Logan: The guy bawlin' his eyes out?
MC: Yes. ::eyeroll:: Fucking idiot.
Det. Mike Logan: Yeah, I got that vibe off him.
Det. Mike Logan: So who else was she fucking or fucking over?
Det. Alex Eames: So Diana had a lot of boyfriends? Any of them
come backstage to meet her? You know, you adoring fans?
MC: She didn't have boyfriends. She had men she fucked till she got where she wanted. They gave her gifts. Thought she loooved them. ::bitter:: Sorry, I don't have a tolerance for people who get to the top of Broadway and can't sing for shit. ::narrowed eyes:: She ruined my career.
Det. Mike Logan: Oh? Howzzat?
MC: Well banging the director gives you that extra edge. puts you right over the top. Even if you sing for shit. ::her cell goes off:: ::she answers:: screams:: DAMMIT! I KNOW!: ::hangs up::
Det. Alex Eames: Who's calling?
Det. Mike Logan: Problem?
MC ::narrowed eyes:: My agent. There were dance
scouts in the audience tonight. It was my only shot after she screwed
up my life. But I didn't get a chance to dance for them now did I? ::glare::
Det. Alex Eames: How inconvient for you.
Det. Mike Logan: She pull anything special beyond the
casting couch tricks?
MC: She likes to pretend she's your friend. Get real close to you. Then pull the rug from under you, right when you trust her. ::fierce:: She deserved what she got. Whatever it was.
Det. Mike Logan: So, what'd she use on you?
MC: None of your damn business.
Det. Mike Logan: ::raises eyebrows::
MC: ::she raises hers right back::
Det. Mike Logan: You sound awfully hostile.
MC: You don't know shit about Broadway.
Det. Mike Logan: Without an explanation, I'm afraid I'll
have to draw my own conclusions. Not flattering ones.
::Eames' cell rings::
Det. Alex Eames: ::answers:: Eames.
Det. Bobby Goren: ::glances at her::
Det. Alex Eames: ::wanders off to take the call:: You'd be
surprised. What's up?
Det. Mike Logan: I understand you may not want to discuss
this in public. Maybe you'd rather come back to the squadroom.....
MC: I'd rather not.
Det. Mike Logan: Then maybe you'd like to explain here.
Det. Bobby Goren: It may be none of our business, Miss Chavez,
but we're cops... and that makes it our business since someone's been
murdered. Now.. what did she take from you... your boyfriend? Your
career? Or was there more?
MCNo. That was all. No big deal. ::glare::
Det. Alex Eames: ::walks back over:: Excuse me, Logan, Goren, a
word? ::beckons them away a little to talk::
Det. Mike Logan: ::backs off::
Det. Bobby Goren: ::walks away a little:: Who was it that called?
::Miranda uses this opportunity to slink away::
Det. Alex Eames: ::quietly:: Phil. Another lead actressed had her
final curtain.

diana vale, crime scene, case c, initial interviews

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