Testimony of Dets. Eames, Logan, and Goren, Offc. Millie Viz-Logan, fighting, and a surprise

May 26, 2006 22:14

[20:33] judgejamieross: ::she enters, and the bailiff calls out the usual, 'Please rise for the honorable Judge Jamie Ross. Court is now in session.'::
[20:33] NYPDEames: ::rises::
[20:33] alanshore60: ::stands::
[20:33] AbbieCarmichael: *stands*
[20:33] judgejamieross: ::Millie stands::
[20:33] judgejamieross: ::Mike probably does too::
[20:34] judgejamieross: ::she nods, and sits down:: Good morning, counselors.
[20:34] alanshore60: Good Morning.
[20:34] AbbieCarmichael: morning..
[20:35] judgejamieross: Due to...unforseen circumstances...Det. Goren won't be able to testify this morning. His mother is ill. He'll be back in the afternoon.
[20:35] alanshore60: ::nods::
[20:35] judgejamieross: For the sake of getting this trial on with, we will continue to the defense. Ms. Carmichael will be allowed to question Det. Goren first.
[20:35] Detective Logan: ::Mike's *watching* Shore::
[20:38] AbbieCarmichael: That's fine. *nods*
[20:38] judgejamieross: ::nods:: ::looks to Alan:: The defense may begin their case. Your first witness, Mr. Shore.
[20:39] Detective Logan: *evil eye*
[20:39] alanshore60: The defense wishes to call Detective Alexandra Eames to the stand.
[20:39] judgejamieross: ::the bailiff swears in Alex::
[20:40] NYPDEames: ::takes her seat on the stand calmly::

[20:41] alanshore60: ::walks in front of the table, buttons his jacket:: Good Morning Detective.
[20:41] NYPDEames: Good morning Counselor
[20:42] alanshore60: ::smiles:: You, were Detective Goren's partner at the time of this case?
[20:42] NYPDEames: Yes I was.
[20:43] alanshore60: and for 5 years previous?
[20:43] NYPDEames: Yes
[20:43] alanshore60: Therefore you had past encounters with Nicole Wallace?
[20:43] NYPDEames: Yes
[20:44] alanshore60: Was this case different?
[20:44] NYPDEames: Yes
[20:44] alanshore60: How so?
[20:44] NYPDEames: She made it personal.
[20:44] alanshore60: What did she do?
[20:45] NYPDEames: She threatened the family and friends of our detectives
[20:45] alanshore60: Did you feel your friends and family were in real danger?
[20:45] NYPDEames: Yes I did.
[20:46] alanshore60: Did you do anything different when working this case than others that Wallace was involved in because of the danger to those you care about?
[20:47] NYPDEames: I warned my family to be careful, and sent my sister and her son out of town, if that's what you mean.
[20:47] alanshore60: Nothing procedurally different?
[20:48] NYPDEames: No.
[20:48] alanshore60: Did you feel threatened?
[20:49] NYPDEames: *hesitates* Yes.
[20:50] alanshore60: Why was that?
[20:50] AbbieCarmichael: *writing notes*
[20:52] NYPDEames: She threatened my sister and nephew directly, and Captain Deakins was killed. Of course I felt threatened.
[20:53] Detective Logan: *if looks could vaporize....*
[20:53] alanshore60: Could those threats, have led you to make judgements you otherwise wouldn't have made?
[20:53] AbbieCarmichael: Objection..
[20:53] AbbieCarmichael: Leading.
[20:54] alanshore60: I'll rephrase, the question.
[20:54] judgejamieross: ::nods::
[20:55] alanshore60: Could those threats have impacted your judgement?
[20:56] judgejamieross: That's the same question, Mr. Shore.
[20:57] alanshore60: Did those threats impact your judgement?
[20:57] NYPDEames: If anything they made me more cautious.
[20:58] alanshore60: So they did affect your judgement?
[20:58] AbbieCarmichael: Objection
[20:58] AbbieCarmichael: Asked and answered.
[20:59] judgejamieross: Move on, Mr. Shore.
[21:00] alanshore60: ::smiles:: Just a yes or no your honor....?
[21:01] judgejamieross: I said, next question.
[21:03] alanshore60: ::nods:: One last queston Detective....
[21:03] NYPDEames: ::raises her chin a little, waiting for the question::
[21:03] alanshore60: Were you scared of Nicole Wallce?
[21:05] alanshore60: Remember, you are under oath.
[21:05] AbbieCarmichael: I'm sure Det. Eames is used to being under oath...
[21:06] alanshore60: ::ignores Abbie::
[21:06] judgejamieross: ::raps her gavel::
[21:06] judgejamieross: ::glares:: Please excuse Mr. Shore, Det. Eames. You may answer the question.
[21:07] NYPDEames: ::obvious pause:: ...... Yes.
[21:07] alanshore60: ::nods:: Thank you for your time Detective, Nothing further.
[21:08] alanshore60: ::sits::
[21:08] NYPDEames: ::takes a deep breath and lowers her eyes::
[21:08] judgejamieross: Your witness, Ms. Carmichael.

[21:08] AbbieCarmichael: *stands up* Surely, Detective, this is not the first time you or your loved ones have been threatened in the course of an investigation, correct?
[21:09] NYPDEames: Not that directly. And no one knew personal information, such as my two-year-old nephew's daycare.
[21:10] AbbieCarmichael: Do you know other cops who have been threatened in cases that did not involve Nicole Wallace?
[21:11] NYPDEames: Certainly.
[21:11] AbbieCarmichael: Does this happen fairly regularly to officers of the NYPD?
[21:12] NYPDEames: Not regularly, no.
[21:12] AbbieCarmichael: But, it does happen, yes?
[21:14] NYPDEames: Yes, it happens. People obviously get angry and make threats. It requires caution, but we still do our jobs.
[21:14] AbbieCarmichael: And yet the criminal justice system continues to work..*smirk*
[21:17] alanshore60: Objection! Your Honor, that was uncalled for.
[21:18] AbbieCarmichael: Withdrawn..
[21:18] judgejamieross: ::nods::
[21:19] AbbieCarmichael: No further questions.

[21:22] judgejamieross: ::as Mr Shore gathers his papers for the next witness, the bailiff hands the Judge a note::
[21:22] judgejamieross: ::she reads the note, nods to the bailiff, and turns her head back to the courtroom, saying nothing::
[21:24] judgejamieross: You may call your next witness, Mr. Shore.
[21:24] alanshore60: I call Detective Michael Logan to the stand.
[21:24] NYPDEames: ::as I'm assuming she was dismissed, sits back down with a realized sigh that she's done::
[21:25] Detective Logan: ::gets up, still glaring at Shore, and takes the stand::
[21:25] alanshore60: Good Morning Detective.
[21:26] Detective Logan: ::glare:: That's not a question.
[21:26] AbbieCarmichael: *shakes her head*
[21:26] alanshore60: I'm not going to bite Detective, Detective Eames survived.
[21:27] judgejamieross: ::she sighs:: Please get on with it, Mr. Shore.
[21:27] Detective Logan: ::raises eyebrow, waits for question::
[21:27] alanshore60: How long have you been with Major Cases Detective?
[21:27] Detective Logan: Almost a year.
[21:29] alanshore60: Was this your first case involving Nicole Wallace?
[21:29] Detective Logan: Yes.
[21:30] alanshore60: Did she threaten loved ones of yours?
[21:31] Detective Logan: To my wife.
[21:33] alanshore60: Is your wife pregnant, Detective?
[21:34] AbbieCarmichael: *watching very closely*
[21:34] Detective Logan: Yes.
[21:34] alanshore60: So Wallace threatened both your wife and your child correct?
[21:34] AbbieCarmichael: Objection..
[21:35] judgejamieross: Grounds?
[21:35] Detective Logan: ::looks like he's chewing a bug::
[21:35] AbbieCarmichael: Mr. Shore is putting Nicole Wallace on trial...not Burklinn..
[21:35] judgejamieross: ::looks to Alan::
[21:37] judgejamieross: ::waits for his reasoning::
[21:38] alanshore60: Nicole Wallace was an integral part of the entire crime. My defense hinges around her manipulation of every player in the game, up to and including Dolph Burklinn and the investigating detectives.
[21:38] judgejamieross: ::nods:: I'll allow it.
[21:38] alanshore60: So Wallace threatened both your wife and your child correct?
[21:39] Detective Logan: She *implied* a threat.
[21:39] alanshore60: You did not feel that your family was in any immediate danger?
[21:40] Detective Logan: ::again with the bug::
[21:40] Detective Logan: I get a lot of threats.
[21:40] AbbieCarmichael: *is going to have to kick Logan's ass if he perjures himself*
[21:41] alanshore60: You did not answer my question.
[21:41] Detective Logan: Immediate?
[21:41] Detective Logan: No.
[21:42] alanshore60: What happened in Times Square Detective?
[21:42] AbbieCarmichael: Objection..
[21:42] judgejamieross: Grounds?
[21:43] AbbieCarmichael: Relevance? *though she knows*
[21:43] judgejamieross: ::raises a brow, looks to Shore::
[21:45] alanshore60: Relavance will become clear if your honor will allow me to continue.
[21:47] judgejamieross: I trust you will make that point quickly, Mr. Shore. And be aware that if it's not, the witness's statements in regards to it may be thrown out.
[21:47] judgejamieross: Go on.
[21:47] alanshore60: What happened in Times Square Detective?

[21:47] Detective Logan: Detective Goren and I tried to apprehend Ms Wallace.
[21:48] alanshore60: Did you succeed?
[21:48] Detective Logan: No.
[21:48] alanshore60: What happened then?
[21:49] nypddetgoren: ::comes in and sits down in the back, looking distracted and the slightest bit nervous, fidgety::
[21:49] AbbieCarmichael: *watches , just waiting for a screwup*
[21:49] Detective Logan: We went home.
[21:49] NYPDEames: ::looks up as Bobby comes in and gives him a half-smile::
[21:52] alanshore60: ::shakes his head:: Now Detective...::walks to the table and comes back with a few papers:: both know that isn't all that happened don't we?
[21:52] Detective Logan: Do you have a point?
[21:52] judgejamieross: Mr. Shore.
[21:53] judgejamieross: ::sharply::
[21:53] AbbieCarmichael: *makes a note to bitch out Logan later*
[21:53] judgejamieross: Either make your point by asking a relevant question or move on.
[21:53] alanshore60: Did you shoot one Laurie Davenport?
[21:53] Detective Logan: Yes.
[21:54] alanshore60: Did you shoot her before you were close enough to accurately determine that she was not Nicole Wallace?
[21:55] Detective Logan: I shot her after I determined she was acting in a manner consistent with drawing a weapon.
[21:55] judgejamieross: Det. Logan, answer the question at hand, please.
[21:57] Detective Logan: If I had waited that long and it had been a weapon, either myself or Detective Goren would not be here.
[21:57] alanshore60: So you felt threatened?
[21:58] Detective Logan: I was following procedure for an APB for an armed and dangerous suspect.
[21:58] alanshore60: So you felt threatened by Ms. Wallace?
[21:58] Detective Logan: Threatened?
[21:58] Detective Logan: No.
[21:59] alanshore60: Yet you shot a blonde woman who was about her height and build?
[21:59] AbbieCarmichael: Objection..
[21:59] AbbieCarmichael: Det. Logan already explained why he shot Ms. Davenport..
[21:59] AbbieCarmichael: He was following procedure.
[21:59] alanshore60: Withdrawn your honor.
[22:00] judgejamieross: ::nods::
[22:00] alanshore60: You were present when the police found my client?
[22:01] Detective Logan: You mean in the same room, or on the scene?
[22:01] alanshore60: In the same room.
[22:01] Detective Logan: The Sag Harbor Police?
[22:02] Detective Logan: No.
[22:02] Detective Logan: Or do you mean after Detective Goren subdued Ms. Wallace?
[22:02] alanshore60: Nice choice of words. Yes, after Wallace was ::pauses:: subdued.
[22:03] Detective Logan: I entered the room after Ms. Wallace was subdued.
[22:03] alanshore60: What did you see?
[22:04] Detective Logan: Detective Goren
[22:04] Detective Logan: Three hostages, Wallace's corpse and your client.
[22:04] alanshore60: What condition was my client in?
[22:05] Detective Logan: He'd been shot.
[22:06] alanshore60: Was Wallace the only person who could have done that?
[22:06] Detective Logan: No.
[22:06] alanshore60: You had another suspect?
[22:06] Detective Logan: He could have self-inflicted that wound.

[22:08] judgejamieross: ::she raps her gavel:: Enough beating around the bush, Mr. Shore. The same goes for Det. Logan.
[22:08] judgejamieross: I want straight questions and straight answers in my courtroom.
[22:08] judgejamieross: We do not need to spend any more time than is necessary here.
[22:08] judgejamieross: I don't need to explain why. ::frown::
[22:09] alanshore60: ::nods:: ::smiles at Logan:: No Further questions.
[22:09] Detective Logan: ::still hostile::
[22:16] AbbieCarmichael: Det Logan...you stated you've received a lot of threats, correct?
[22:16] Detective Logan: A fair number.
[22:16] AbbieCarmichael: Have any of those threats caused you to make mistakes in your policework?
[22:17] Detective Logan: No.
[22:19] AbbieCarmichael: The shooting of Laurie Davenport, while unfortunate, was done following standard police procedures, correct?
[22:19] Detective Logan: Yes.
[22:20] AbbieCarmichael: No further questions..
[22:20] Detective Logan: ::leaves the stand::

[22:21] judgejamieross: You may call your next witness, Mr. Shore.
[22:21] alanshore60: I call Millicent Logan to the stand
[22:22] AbbieCarmichael: *smiles a little bit at Millicent*
[22:22] ::Millie, not in her police uniform but in a babydoll dress that makes her four months-pregnant belly seem bigger, walks to the stand, holding her belly, and is sworn in::
[22:24] alanshore60: Good Morning *Officer*.
[22:24] Millie: ::smiles sweetly:: Good morning, Mr. Shore.
[22:24] alanshore60: What role did you play in the investigation in question?
[22:26] Millie: I'm currently on desk duty. I shuffle between Major Case and Special Victims. Occasionally, I deliver paperwork...
[22:26] alanshore60: and you are Detective Logan's wife?
[22:27] Millie: ::raises a brow:: Yes. I am.
[22:27] alanshore60: ::nods:: Was this case your first experience with Nicole Wallace?
[22:27] Millie: Yes, it was.
[22:28] alanshore60: Did you feel threatened by her?
[22:28] Millie: ::Millie looks straight at him:: She's a murderer. I tend to try to avoid them when I can.
[22:29] alanshore60: You didn't answer my question. A simple yes or no will suffice.
[22:30] AbbieCarmichael: *thinks maybe she should have reminded people to behave themselves*
[22:30] Millie: As police officers, we deal with murderers every day, Mr. Shore. We risk our lives every day. Every day, to some degree, it is scary. Yes. I felt threatened.
[22:31] Millie: ::she places a hand on her belly::
[22:31] alanshore60: ::notices:: Did you also feel your child's life was in danger?
[22:32] Millie: ::smirks:: Clearly if I thought my own life was in danger, the implication is that my child's would be as well, Mr. Shore.
[22:33] alanshore60: Were you afraid of Wallace?
[22:34] AbbieCarmichael: *clears her throat* Objection...
[22:35] judgejamieross: Asked, again, Mr. Shore, and answered.
[22:36] alanshore60: ::nods:: Thank you officer, I wish you well. No further questions.
[22:36] AbbieCarmichael: *stands* One question...
[22:37] AbbieCarmichael: Did you ever interact with Burklinn, the defendant, Officer?
[22:37] Millie: Never.
[22:37] AbbieCarmichael: Thank you..*smiles and sits back down*
[22:37] ::Millie steps down::

[22:39] AbbieCarmichael: I call Det. Robert Goren to the stand..
[22:40] nypddetgoren: ::stands up and goes up to the stand::
[22:41] judgejamieross: ::Goren is sworn in!::
[22:42] AbbieCarmichael: Detective, you have investigated Nicole Wallace in other incidents, correct?
[22:42] nypddetgoren: Yes I have.
[22:43] AbbieCarmichael: Was this the first time you'd been abducted?
[22:43] nypddetgoren: ::hesitates a little:: It um.. yes..it is.
[22:44] AbbieCarmichael: You were abducted by Nicole Wallace and the defendant, Mr. Burklinn, correct?
[22:44] nypddetgoren: ::glances at Burklinn briefly:: Yes..
[22:45] AbbieCarmichael: Were you able to think clearly over the course of your abduction?
[22:46] nypddetgoren: ::fidgets slightly:: No..
[22:46] AbbieCarmichael: And why is that, Detective?
[22:47] nypddetgoren: Mr. Burklinn he um.. he kept me sedated.
[22:48] AbbieCarmichael: With the same type of medications used on his terminal patients, no doubt..
[22:48] AbbieCarmichael: You were also injured during your abduction...yes?
[22:49] nypddetgoren: ::hesitates again, then nods:: Yes..
[22:49] AbbieCarmichael: What was the extent of your injuries?
[22:50] nypddetgoren: I was hit in the head and..and shot in my leg.
[22:51] AbbieCarmichael: Who shot you?
[22:51] alanshore60: Objection
[22:51] alanshore60: If Detective Goren was sedated how can he be sure who shot him?
[22:51] AbbieCarmichael: He has eyes..
[22:51] alanshore60: ::glares at Abbie::
[22:52] AbbieCarmichael: *glares back*
[22:52] NYPDEames: ::watching Bobby with concern and bites her lip::
[22:54] judgejamieross: Answer the question, Detective.
[22:55] nypddetgoren: ::fidgets again uncomfortably, and glances at the judge before looking back at Abbie:: I-..I'm..not sure
[22:56] AbbieCarmichael: *just pauses, seemingly calm, but inwardly having an 'Oh shit' moment*
[22:58] AbbieCarmichael: *to the Judge* I request a short recess..
[22:58] judgejamieross: ::raises a brow:: On what grounds, Ms. Carmichael?
[22:59] alanshore60: ::looks on interested::
[22:59] AbbieCarmichael: May I approach?
[22:59] judgejamieross: Both of you. Now.

[23:00] alanshore60: ::walks up::
[23:00] AbbieCarmichael: *approaches the bench*
[23:00] judgejamieross: ::frowning:: What's going on, Ms. Carmichael?
[23:00] AbbieCarmichael: *quietly* I prepped Det. Goren and this has not come up before.
[23:01] AbbieCarmichael: However, in light of 'recent events', I have reason to believe that this requires further investigation..
[23:01] AbbieCarmichael: At least a discussion with him..
[23:01] judgejamieross: Recent events?
[23:02] AbbieCarmichael: *eyeroll* The mysterious events that have been occuring outside the courthouse..
[23:02] alanshore60: ::tries not to smirk::
[23:02] judgejamieross: Are you trying to tell me you believe that Det. Goren is lying?
[23:03] judgejamieross: Or are you just unprepared?
[23:03] judgejamieross: ::not. happy.::
[23:03] AbbieCarmichael: *glares* I think the one who shot Mr. Goren is the same guy sending out threats...
[23:04] judgejamieross: You speculate, that is.
[23:04] judgejamieross: ::raises her brows:: Your unpreparedness and your speculation are not reason enough to call a recess.
[23:04] judgejamieross: As you were.
[23:04] AbbieCarmichael: We'll see who gets attacked next, Ma'am..
[23:04] judgejamieross: *Ms. Carmichael.*
[23:04] AbbieCarmichael: *goes back to her bench, very pissed off*
[23:05] judgejamieross: That is enough.
[23:05] alanshore60: ::walks back::
[23:06] AbbieCarmichael: *looks at her notes, as she considers what happens next*
[23:07] AbbieCarmichael: No further questions...

[23:07] nypddetgoren: ::sighs softly and rubs his eyes with one hand, then looks up again::
[23:08] alanshore60: ::walks toward the witness stand:: You're not sure who shot you?
[23:09] nypddetgoren: ::looks down for a moment:: ..No
[23:09] alanshore60: Who else could it be?
[23:09] AbbieCarmichael: Objection..
[23:10] AbbieCarmichael: If Det. Goren doesn't know who shot him, how could he speculate on who else might have done it?
[23:10] judgejamieross: Sustained.
[23:11] alanshore60: Was this case different from other cases that involved Nicole Wallace?
[23:11] nypddetgoren: Yes, it was.
[23:11] alanshore60: How was it different?
[23:13] nypddetgoren: She had um..she had never come this close..this close to um... ::shifts a little in the chair:: She had never killed..any of us, she had never kidnapped...
[23:19] alanshore60: ::Nods:: She was more aggressive than you were used to?
[23:19] nypddetgoren: Yes, she um.. was...
[23:20] alanshore60: yes?
[23:20] judgejamieross: The witness answered, Mr. Shore.
[23:20] judgejamieross: ::looks tired::
[23:21] alanshore60: I'm sorry your honor I thought he was continuing.
[23:21] alanshore60: When you were held captive...who else was with you?
[23:21] AbbieCarmichael: Objection....
[23:21] AbbieCarmichael: We've established Goren's mental state is in question for hte time of his abduction..
[23:22] judgejamieross: I'm not sure of the relevance, either....Mr. Shore?
[23:24] alanshore60: Withdrawn.
[23:26] alanshore60: Detective...Does the name Richard Goren mean anything to you?
[23:27] judgejamieross: Mr. Shore.
[23:27] judgejamieross: Approach the bench.
[23:27] alanshore60: ::walks over::
[23:27] AbbieCarmichael: *remains seated*
[23:28] judgejamieross: ::jaw clenched:: Straight questions, Mr. Shore. If you know who the man in question is, and you know that the witness does, do not string this court along.
[23:28] nypddetgoren: ::looks up at Shore and then the judge and rubs his face with both hands::
[23:28] judgejamieross: Do i make myself clear?
[23:28] alanshore60: Yes Ma'am.
[23:28] judgejamieross: You may proceed.
[23:29] alanshore60: Richard Goren is your brother, and he was affiliated with Nicole Wallace?
[23:31] nypddetgoren: ::looks up at Shore again, shifting uncomfortably:: ::softly:: Yes.
[23:32] AbbieCarmichael: *clenching her hand into a fist, but says nothing*
[23:32] alanshore60: Do you have a strained relationship with your brother?
[23:33] AbbieCarmichael: Objection.
[23:33] AbbieCarmichael: Relevance?
[23:33] judgejamieross: ::waits for Shore to explain::
[23:34] alanshore60: I have reason to believe that Richard Goren was involved in Detective Goren's abduction and injuries. Goes to motive.
[23:34] judgejamieross: Motive for your client?
[23:34] AbbieCarmichael: I don't think this was a brotherly spat...

[23:35] judgejamieross: ::nods:: Go on, Mr. Shore.
[23:35] alanshore60: Detective?
[23:36] nypddetgoren: ::softly:: I don't have a relationship with my brother, I haven't..I haven't seen him for years.
[23:37] alanshore60: What about previously?
[23:38] nypddetgoren: ::stays silent for a long moment:: ..yes.
[23:39] alanshore60: Could the strain be classified as hatred?
[23:39] AbbieCarmichael: Objection.
[23:39] AbbieCarmichael: Det. Goren can't speculate about whether his brother hates him..
[23:39] AbbieCarmichael: Especially since they haven't talked in years..
[23:40] judgejamieross: ::waits for Shore to respond::
[23:40] alanshore60: He can talk about whether he hates his brother.
[23:40] judgejamieross: He can. Answer the question, Det. Goren.
[23:44] nypddetgoren: ::clearly uncomfortable with the subject, perhaps a little irratated, but mostly unsettled:: Yes it could.. What does..what does this have to do with anything?
[23:44] AbbieCarmichael: That's what I'd like to know.
[23:44] judgejamieross: Mr. Shore. Make your point.
[23:49] alanshore60: ::takes a deep breath:: My Point is, that Richard Goren shot his brother, not Nicole Wallace, not Dolph Burklinn. Richard. Goren.
[23:49] judgejamieross: Your client's not being charged in his shooting, Mr. Shore.
[23:49] AbbieCarmichael: But that can't be proven....due to Robert Goren's mental state at the time.
[23:49] AbbieCarmichael: It could have been Santa Claus holding the gun..
[23:49] judgejamieross: He's being charged in assisting with the kidnapping. I see no relevance.
[23:49] alanshore60: It can with my client's testimony.
[23:50] AbbieCarmichael: Right, and he'd have no incentive to lie..
[23:50] alanshore60: There was another person there.
[23:50] judgejamieross: ::raps her gavel::
[23:50] judgejamieross: Mr. Shore. Your client is not being charged with the shooting of Robert Goren.
[23:50] judgejamieross: Move on.
[23:51] judgejamieross: ::just then the bailiff hands her another note::
[23:52] judgejamieross: ::she reads it, face unmoved, and looks up at Alan again:: Please. Move on.
[23:52] AbbieCarmichael: *has a sinking feeling about these notes*
[23:53] alanshore60: No further Questions. ::sits::
[23:53] judgejamieross: The next witness is yours, Mr. Shore.
[23:55] NYPDEames: ::gets up and leaves the room as well::

[23:56] judgejamieross: Court is adjourned for the day. We'll resume tomorrow morning at 10am.
[23:57] judgejamieross: Mr. Shore and Ms. Carmichael, I need to see you both in chambers.
[23:57] judgejamieross: ::raps her gavel::
[23:57] AbbieCarmichael: *starts putting things in her bag, grumbling*
[23:57] AbbieCarmichael: *looks up, and over at Shore*
[23:57] alanshore60: ::looks At Abbie Evil Glare gone::
[23:58] judgejamieross: ::heads back to her chambers to...disrobe::
[23:58] AbbieCarmichael: *sighs heavily, standing up* We'd better go.....

[23:59] judgejamieross: ::she sits at her desk, head in her hands, waiting for them to come in::
[00:00] AbbieCarmichael: *enters the chambers, feeling really unsettled*
[00:00] alanshore60: ::walks in behind Abbie::
[00:00] judgejamieross: ::looks up, looking very tired and distressed:: Please close the door.
[00:00] AbbieCarmichael: *sits down*
[00:01] alanshore60: ::sits::
[00:01] judgejamieross: ::chews her lip, in thought for a moment::
[00:01] AbbieCarmichael: Is this about the note?
[00:01] judgejamieross: ::looks at Alan, and then at Abbie, focuses on Abbie::
[00:02] alanshore60: What Happened?
[00:02] judgejamieross: Yes. I got a note, as you may have seen, this morning, informing me that our friend...acted...
[00:02] judgejamieross: ::she looks down at her desk::
[00:02] AbbieCarmichael: *just stares back at Jamie, scared*
[00:02] judgejamieross: I didn't tell you then....because I wanted this trial to go on as unaffected by your own worries as possible.
[00:02] alanshore60: ::looks sick::
[00:03] AbbieCarmichael: *chokes* W-who was it?
[00:03] judgejamieross: ::she looks up, straight at Alan, her expression a bit pained:: SVU...found Jackie...fairly beaten up this morning...outside the precinct.
[00:04] AbbieCarmichael: *covers her mouth with her hand*
[00:04] judgejamieross: She's alright. Let me stress that.
[00:04] alanshore60: ::expression is cold:: Where is she?
[00:05] judgejamieross: She went into surgery this morning for a punctured lung...a couple of ribs...were broken...the second note, just now, was that she got out of surgery, and as expected, is doing fine.
[00:05] alanshore60: Where. Is. She.
[00:05] judgejamieross: They took her to St. Vincent's.
[00:05] judgejamieross: I-I'm sorry, Alan.
[00:06] alanshore60: ::just sits:: I--I have to go....
[00:06] alanshore60: ::still not moving::
[00:06] judgejamieross: I'll call you a police escort.
[00:06] AbbieCarmichael: *nods* Of course...
[00:06] judgejamieross: ::grabs the phone::
[00:06] AbbieCarmichael: Want me to take you over there?
[00:06] judgejamieross: ::numbly starts dialing:: I'll get him an escort, Abbie.
[00:07] alanshore60: ::shakes his head::
[00:07] AbbieCarmichael: *thinks about what this means, that nobody's safe anymore, and feels sick*
[00:07] judgejamieross: ::to Abbie:: I want you to call her squad.
[00:07] judgejamieross: They need to know she's there. Her family is on their way down, I believe.
[00:08] AbbieCarmichael: I'll tell Munch...
[00:08] judgejamieross: Please do.
[00:08] judgejamieross: Now, actually.
[00:08] AbbieCarmichael: Yeah....*stands up and leaves the chambers, fast*
[00:08] alanshore60: ::Still just sitting::
[00:09] judgejamieross: Alan...?

[00:10] AbbieCarmichael: *comes out of chambers, pale as a ghost*
[00:10] judgejamieross: ::Millie stands with Mike::
[00:10] Detective Logan: Abbie?
[00:10] AbbieCarmichael: *goes over to them, in a daze*
[00:10] Detective Logan: Look, I'm glad you're here.
[00:10] Detective Logan: Something occurred to me...
[00:10] AbbieCarmichael: *ignores Mike*
[00:10] Detective Logan: Abbie?
[00:10] AbbieCarmichael: He....got Jackie.....
[00:11] Detective Logan: What?
[00:11] judgejamieross: Millie: What??
[00:11] AbbieCarmichael: She got beat up and found outside SVU....
[00:11] Millie: Oh, god...
[00:11] Millie: *her hand to her mouth*
[00:11] AbbieCarmichael: She's in the hospital, after surgery...*sits down*
[00:11] AbbieCarmichael: She's fine...well, fine as anyone can be after getting jumped..
[00:11] Detective Logan: Oh...geez.
[00:11] Millie: What hospital?
[00:12] Detective Logan: She is? She'll be ok?
[00:12] AbbieCarmichael: That's what the judge said...*looks like she's going to cry* Thats what the notes were....
[00:13] Detective Logan: Abbie.
[00:13] Millie: *looks a little ill herself*
[00:13] Detective Logan: Look...
[00:13] Detective Logan: I think I know what's going on here....
[00:14] AbbieCarmichael: What? *quietly*
[00:14] Detective Logan: If Burklinn goes free....he's a dead man.
[00:15] Detective Logan: And that's what Richard wants.
[00:16] AbbieCarmichael: And what if I win, Mike? *angry* Where will they find me??
[00:16] alanshore60: ::walks quckly past the Logans and Abbie Looking like he'd just been punched in the stomach;:
[00:16] Millie: ::at Abbie's words, Millie moves swiftly to a nearby trashcan::
[00:16] AbbieCarmichael: *sees Alan and has to bite her lip to keep from crying*
[00:16] Detective Logan: I think if you *win* - that it's not gonna matter.
[00:16] Detective Logan: He'll leave you be.
[00:16] Millie: ::throwing up!::
[00:17] AbbieCarmichael: You don't know that..

trial, rp log, burklinn

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