Airings for tomorrow (21 June) from
lao_listingsAll times given in EDT
• 12:00am - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (
Demons) - USA
• 01:00am - Law & Order (
Loco Parentis) - TNT
• 02:00pm - Law & Order (
Loco Parentis) - TNT
• 03:00pm - Law & Order (
House of Cards) - TNT
• 06:00pm - Law & Order (
Embedded) - TNT
• 07:00pm - Law & Order (
Flaw) - TNT
• 07:00pm - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (
Fat) - USA
• 08:00pm - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (
Dolls) - USA
• 10:00pm - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (
Home) - USA
• 11:00pm - Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (
Coerced) - USA
• [TOS]
kristinmachina (PG | for
eldritchhobbit) ::
No Shrines• [CI]
polkadotsnplaid (Logan) ::
One More Murder in this Town• [CI]
mina_kat9 (Eames/Deakin | NC17) ::
Strangers• [L&O]
xunforgivenx (Benson, Deakins) ::
Dreams• [SVU]
quezacolt (Cabot/Benson | PG/M) ::
Requiem.• [TOS]
polkadotsnplaid (Ross/McCoy, mention of Borgia | G) ::
The More Things Change• [SVU]
beloved06 (Cabot/Benson | Sp) :: Cease
· (PG-13)
[1/3]· (PG)
[2/3]• [SVU]
lowbatterie (Novak/Benson | PG | L) ::
She Sleeps Like the (Un)Dead• [SVU]
speshtian (Cabot/Benson | R) ::
Sunset On A Pavilion Fountain• [CI]
polkadotsnplaid (Wheeler | G) ::
Mommy• [CI]
polkadotsnplaid (Wheeler, Logan, Ross, mentions of Goren, Eames | G | dedicated to
mtwendyr) ::
Empire• [TOS]
polkadotsnplaid (Ross/McCoy, mention of Schiff | G | A) :: Wherever You Are
part 1·
part 2• [SVU]
marshmallowcat3 (Cabot/Benson | NC-17) ::
Release• [SVU]
lysachan (Cabot/Benson | PG) ::
It's The Little Things That Count• [CI]
atlashrugged (Goren/Eames | PG13) ::
Some Soft Aberration (1/7)Updated
• [SVU]
cmcphee (Cabot/Benson | M/R) :: Life Imitates Art
Chap 2·
Chap 3• [SVU]
alphagirl007 (Cabot/Benson | R) :: New Choices-Old Regrets
Chapter 36-37·
Final Chapter• [CI]
mtwendyr (Logan/Eames) ::
Grace Under Pressure, Chapter 5• [SVU]
earthangie (Cabot/Benson | PG) ::
Music To My Ears (13/?)• [CI]
trinitywildcat (Goren | FRAO | ES) :: Loyalty and Betrayal:
Through the Storm (C18)lawandorder100
• [SVU]
animaltalker (Munch | A, Sp) ::
Survivor's Guilt?• [CI]
stunt_muppet (Eames) ::
Not At All Practical• [TOS]
woffproff (Briscoe, Curtis) ::
Who Had It Coming• [CI]
gorengal (PG) ::
Congratulations• [CI]
animaltalker (Eames, Goren | G | Sp) ::
Analysis• [CI]
woffproff ::
Boiling Over• [CI]
animaltalker (Eames, Jeffries) ::
In the Blast Zone• [SVU]
redwingx (PG) ::
Solitary Confinement• [CI]
gorengal (PG-13) ::
Either Waythursday100plus
• [L&O]
mccoylover (Donnelly, Cragen, McCoy | TOS/SVU crossover) ::
Untitled• [CI]
daf9 ::
A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do• [TOS]
clearbell (Stone, Kincaid, McCoy | PG) ::
The Watcher• [TOS]
woffproff (Logan, Briscoe) ::
Trust Poisoning25_crimes
• [L&O]
h_bomb113 (Deakins/Benson | FRAO/M/NC-17 | SVU/CI crossover; AU, Death, BDSM, Prostitution) ::
Tango• [TOS]
clearbell (Stone, Hawthorne | T | A, AU) ::
Nothing LeftIcons/Graphics
• [SVU]
svuiconess_70 ::
4 Benson & Cabot Icons• [SVU]
svuiconess_70 ::
7 Benson & Cabot Icons• [CI]
vxangelkissxv ::
17 CI Icons• [CI]
gusthemoose ::
2 D'Onofrio Wallpapers• [CI]
holycrapicons ::
11 Chris N Icons; 3 CI Wallpapers• [CI]
silverspitfire ::
26 CI Icons• [TOS]
holycrapicons ::
10 Logan Icons• [CI]
mina_kat9 ::
9 CI Icons• [CI]
mina_kat9 ::
66 CI BasesCommunity News
• [All]
lawandorder_ljr :: I'm sorry for the entries I'm sure I missed; I went back 500 entries; nearly everything before that will be lost forever.
• [All]
all_in_order :: New Law & Order Universe RPG; see
here for full ad
• [Multi]
10shootingstars :: Multi-fandom challenge community involving a shooting star
• [All]
lawandorder100 :: New Challenge:
Boiling Under the Surface• [Multi]
36_plots :: Multi-fandom challenge community based on "The 36 Basic Plots" by Georges Polti
• [Multi]
tv_100 :: Weekly drabble challenge community for TV fandoms
• [Multi]
crimecrossover :: Fiction exchange community
• [All]
lawandorder_ljr :: Wishing
bast2 to get well soon
• [All]
thursday100plus :: New Challenge:
Trust• [Multi]
word_guru :: Multi-fandom challenge community
Spoilers for the new seasons are in red!
The warnings for fics/art are shortened to acronyms. Hover your pointer over the letters to see what the warning is. A list of all acronyms
here. If you have anything to add or to correct, comment to the entry or
e-mail me. If you want your works tracked, friend