Title: In Princeton Plainsboro's ER.
Flavor: Mothership x House, MD
Rating: Free
Words: 123 (oops.)
Notes: none.
She answered her cell phone in a sleepy voice. “Rubirosa.”
“Ms. Rubirosa, this is Nurse Brenda from Princeton Plainsboro Hospital. We just treated a Mr. McCoy in our ER, and he gave us your number.”
The strange female voice and the news she just heard made Connie jump fully awake. “What happened to Jack? Is he okay? And what the hell is he doing in Princeton?”
“Ma’am, he had a heart attack at a conference, but he's okay now. We just need someone to make sure he won't be alone in the next 24 hours but he wants to go back to his hotel."
"Tell him I'm on my way. And tell him I'll kill him if he's not there when I arrive."