Title: Lighting Storm in Space
Flavor: Mothership
Characters: McCoy, Cutter and... (find out!) heheheh
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Words: 107 *sighs*
redwingx Notes: I was talking with
lovely_vah when this idea came up. We'd certainly die if it'd ever happen. hehehe
Mike stormed into Jack's office without knocking.
“The defense wants a meeting, Jack.”
“And that’s my problem because...?”
“It's Gwen Young. She doesn't want to talk to me...” Mike paused, realizing that Jack wasn’t alone. “Oh, sorry.”
“Not a problem, young man. Gwen is a pain in the ass. Ben Stone. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Wow, Ben Stone... I was your clerk when you were the EADA.”
“Really? Sorry, don't remember. So, call Gwen and tell her Jack will see her.”
“Ben, I'm the boss around here, remember?”
Mike was amused. McCoy and Stone in the same office... it was like a lighting storm in space.