Title: Invitations
Flavour: Cross over: Mothership, SVU, House
Rating: PG
Charaters: Mike Cutter, James Wilson, Cyrus Lupo, Greg House.
Word Count: 100
Notes:Unbetaed. (Bitching week at the college, sorry =x)
"So, tell me, Mike. Did you have the guts to ask Connie to the prom?" Wilson asked.
"Of course I did, Jimmy. I'm not like Greg, who's crazy about Lisa and still is in denial."
"Hey, I asked her out, just didn't tell you. And by the way, Jimmy is the one who needs to ask that Cabot girl to the prom."
Cyrus joined them smiling like a fool and Mike was the first to notice.
"Oh, ma'am. Are you gonna tell me Olivia accepted to go with you?"
"You bet your ugly thin ass she did, Mike."