Show: Law and Order
Title: Calling a friend.
Characters: Ben Stone, Jack McCoy
Words: 100
A/N: Again, un-betaed. (I´d love to have someone to beta it.) I liked very much writing 100 words! xD
- Stone.
- Hi, Ben! It´s Jack McCoy.
- Hey Jack.
- Adam called me. Did you resigned?
- Yeah. After killing a witness, I couldn´t keep working as nothing happened.
- Sometimes we gotta sacrifice someone, so the justice can be done, Ben.
- I don´t wanna talk about it, Jack.
- I see. I wanted to ask you about Claire Kincaid.
- She´s an excellent ADA.
- Is she good looking?
- Just don´t marry her, right?
- I´ll do my best.
- Thanks.
- Do you like her?
- Bye, Jack.
Ben hang up, and Jack smiled.