Title: The Culprit
Flavor: Criminal Intent
Rating: K+
Word Count: 109 (please don't ban me)
A/N: Second attempt, and guess what? I still suck. Please let me know what you think.
Bobby walked in to see Alex standing in a chair, holding a broom.
She spat, "Get it! Don't kill it, but get it!"
Bobby moved to where she'd pointed and saw what it was. He grabbed two oven mits and managed to trap the culprit between them. Holding it up, he tried hard not to laugh. "This?"
She glared at him. "Yes, that..."
He began to laugh. "You mean to tell me that you can do our job, and you are afraid of a mouse?"
She put her hands on her hips. "What's that supposed to mean?"
He moved to the back door. "I'm just surprised is all..."