Title: Goodbye
seejanebabbleWord Count: 100
Character (s): Alex Borgia/ Jack McCoy
Flavor: Mothership
Notes: Spoilers for "Invaders". Alex's final thoughts.
Don't worry, Jack. It doesn't hurt anymore. I can barely feel a thing now. I vaguely recall being in pain, but that feeling has long faded. Either that or I've gotten used to it. But don't worry. I'm not senile- I'm aware of what's happening. I'm in the trunk--the trunk…
It's getting fuzzy. Something's trickling down my face. Blood?
What's happening?
Ugh, what's that taste? Vomit?
What happened to the roof? I can't see it. I can't feel anything. This is new. I don't know what to feel-
Don't worry, Jack. It's over. I'm in a better place.