Title: All Thumbs
fearciuilWords: 106 (close?)
Flavor: L&O:UK
Characters: James Steel and Alesha Phillips
Rating: G
A/N: Push-bike + London traffic = ?
‘Yes, Alesha?’
‘What did you do to your hand?’
He glanced at his immobilised thumb. ‘Crashed my bike.’
‘Crashed your-and broke your thumb?’
‘Strained it. Maybe.’
‘“Maybe”?’ she repeated, dismayed. ‘You haven’t even been to the doctor?’
‘Why?’ he responded, puzzled. ‘What’s she going to tell me? Take paracetamol and rest, come back in a week if it’s not better? I can do that without taking the time off.’ He smiled, appreciating her concern. ‘I’ll go in a week,’ he promised. ‘If it’s not better.’
‘See that you do,’ she said severely. ‘Or I’ll have Ronnie and Matt take you.’
He chuckled. ‘Yes, ma’am.’