One for SVU and one for CI, figured I'd save everyone's f-list and put them on the same post :)
Title: Make Something Up
Flavor: SVU
Rating: G
Words: 100
Notes: Casey/Olivia. Will be posted at my dreamwidth comm later.
"You can't avoid him for ever Case."
"I'm not going to avoid him forever, just long enough to get a new job in another town."
Olivia chuckled. "So Munch kissed you, so what?"
"So what? I wasn't planning on kissing Munch! and it was embarrassing, like being kissed by my granddad."
"Alright, now you’re making excuses."
Casey shook her head. "I'm not, I was actually going to kiss..." she hesitated.
"Who? Casey you can tell me."
"That's the problem, Liv, I can't tell you."
"Well just make something up!"
Casey sighed, "I can't do either, I know how you'll react."
Title: I Don't Believe You
Flavor: CI
Rating: G
Words: 100
Notes: Goren/Eames, takes place towards the end of Betrayed. I only dip in to CI occasionally, any FB, including concrit is appreciated. Will be posted at my dreamwidth comm later.
"Stop lying Bobby."
Bobby carefully regarded her, contemplating his next words. "Look, Alex, I did what I had to do to save a young boys life."
"Yes but you went undercover without telling me and you almost got killed!"
"I couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell anyone."
"Do you have any idea how selfish and arrogant that sounds? How selfish you are?"
Although he knew there was no right answer to that, he still offered a reply. "Very selfish? Very arrogant?"
Alex released a growl. "Just go, and stop making excuses."
"Tell me what I need to do."
"I can't."