Title: Starting Something
fearciuilWords: 100
Flavor: L&O:UK
Characters: James Steel and Alesha Phillips
Rating: PG
A/N: James/Alesha fluff :-)
James Steel looked up sharply and winced as his tense shoulder muscles protested. ‘His defence is what?’ he demanded.
‘Not responsible because of his genetic makeup,’ Alesha Phillips replied, moving behind him and rubbing his shoulders. He sighed and leaned into her as her fingers found the knots and began working them out.
‘That hasn’t worked the last … what, four times we’ve seen it?’ he said, his voice developing a purr as he relaxed.
She didn’t respond.
‘Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish,’ he added in a whisper.
She smiled back and kissed him quickly. ‘Tonight,’ she promised.