Title: And Another One Bites the Dust
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Words: 72
A/N: written for the ‘calendar’ prompt at lawandorder100. This takes place in Season 3 while Eames is a surrogate for her sister.
Title: Body Language
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Rating: K+
Word Count: 80
A/N: written for the 'body' prompt at lawandorder100
Title: Caught Red Handed
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Rating: K+
Word Count: 115
A/N: written for the 'body' prompt at lawandorder100. this piece goes with Body Language.
Title: Takes Two To Tango
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Rating: K+
Word Count: 76
A/N: written for the 'body' prompt at lawandorder100. this piece goes with Body Language (1st) and Caught Red Handed (2nd).
Title: Sick Days
Author: untapdtreasure
Flavor: Law & Order: Criminal Intent
Pairing: Goren & Eames
Rating: K+
Word Count: 99 words
A/N: written for the ‘sick’ prompt at lawandorder100
[read all five here]