Title: Take Cover
Flavor: SVU
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Notes: Thanks for the well wishes,
gorengal. I survived Irene just fine--woke me up a couple times last night but my neighborhood, at least, weathered it okay. Thanks again!
Munch turned the corner into the squad room just as he saw Alex step purposefully off the elevator. "Take cover," he warned the two detectives seated at their desks. "Because Hurricane Alex is about to make landfall," he finished with a tilt of his head indicating the ADA's approach.
"What the HELL were you two thinking?!" Alex had only barely entered the squad room when she laid into them, throwing a file down harshly onto their desks.
Elliot and Olivia glanced at each other briefly then just hunkered down for the tongue lashing they knew was coming.
Hurricane Alex, indeed.