(no subject)

Apr 20, 2005 19:51

Whoa, believe it folks, Lauren is updating! :)

Lauren's Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down List

Let's start with the negatives, shall we?

Thumbs Down To:

- Family members stealing my things w/o asking...CDs, stories...

- People constantly constantly asking me about my college decision, yes I know its kinda interesting, and yes i do it all the time too, but i'm soooo sick of having to think of it

- People who think they know what is best for me, and trying to impress their opinions on me...yes i guess the intentions are good, but I'm me, not you

- AP Tests and MP projects etc. in like two weeks! Eeks!!!

Okay, enough whining....wait quick question...when you click to post an entry, does the little button like move and then show up as "processing whining"...last time i updated, a year and a half ago, it did that and it was kinda freaky...we'll see bout this time...okay time for the positives

Thumbs Up To:

-My prom dress, i heart it, i'm glad i got it, and i can't wait to acessorize it....i did get another dress (both are from ebay), but it wasn't prom-y so i'm wearing it to Mandy's (sooooooo excited Mandy!), both are pretty, but this one is more prom appropriate, so yay ebay, yay cheapness, yay dresses

- Prom in general...people going stag, yay independence, hurray

- My awesome best friends who seem to never get on my nerves, even when i'm pissed off by the rest of the world

- WSTW choice rewards auctions, yay free stuff

- UD and Georgetown....friendly people, gorgeous campuses, i love them both...thus making this decision sooo much harder

- America's Next Top Model, i like this show....ooo and Desperate Housewives, and AI....all my fave

- Not being expected to complete all my homework...b/c i can't b/c senioritis has hit hard

- Being in good moods, everything is so much better when i'm happy

My brother has an "online appointment" so I be done

I'll try to update more later!
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