[There's papers, ragged-looking books and binders, all over the low table Kurotsuchi is settled at. At least he's not in surgery, and there's nothing dead. Something entirely mundane this time; compiling reports, from the look of it
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[ Nemu just sits there, still cradling that one lamb that had the injury when she first discovered it. She doesn't get why or what she's doing here, but from what she's observed from the PCD, Mayuri is her dad and not a very nice one.
He's also her superior? Or, at least she thinks. Thank god for all of those research links. There's only so much uncertainly one can preform under, and Nemu is currently reaching maximum limits. ]
[Mayuri is just... confused at having some random women living with him for no reason he could really determine. Sure, she was a steady enough hand in the lab from what he could remember- but something was missing.
They had the same surname. That made no sense.
But he regards Nemu with suspicion, even as she clutches her sheep.]
[ She only views the surname as further evidence that they were related. This Nemu, however, doesn't view getting hit as a decent thing. Mayuri's limitations are ultimately created by decades of wasted effort as the event removes any and all conditioning. ]
Nothing prior to my arrival. When I arrived, you ordered me to find you immediately.
[Of course, he doesn't know to even expect conditioning. Sure, she'd been subservient to him since she appeared, which is pretty necessary in assisting him. But he didn't know why.]
Must've thought I knew you. Or I did at the time... well, what will you do now?
[Even if he doesn't know her, he does know that she's been useful since arriving. He's not throwing out help just because it's unfamiliar.]
[ As if she'd be able to give an answer if he asked. ]
I will stay here. If you were in need of my services before, I see no reason in leaving. If this is another one of the events, then when it ends, everything will be back to normal. We have matching kanji on our outfits as well, indicating that we must be part of the same organization. [ She's not too dumb to recognize these things now, she's just a little shy about speaking, and part of her finds it unnecessary to bring it up to him. ]
[Stares for a long moment at her, before nodding. It was true that something was wrong with their memories, since it was evident that they had some sort of connection, even if they didn't know it.
[...Well, still useful then. And polite; he wouldn't want Nemu to use his first name if he couldn't remember her, even if she was his daughter. Probably. He still wondered how the hell that happened.]
[ Nemu returns with the tea in hand, but there's only one cup. She places it gently on the table, and is silent. She nods, indicating the tea is for him. ]
He's also her superior? Or, at least she thinks. Thank god for all of those research links. There's only so much uncertainly one can preform under, and Nemu is currently reaching maximum limits. ]
They had the same surname. That made no sense.
But he regards Nemu with suspicion, even as she clutches her sheep.]
So what do you remember?
[At least he's not hitting her.]
Nothing prior to my arrival. When I arrived, you ordered me to find you immediately.
Must've thought I knew you. Or I did at the time... well, what will you do now?
[Even if he doesn't know her, he does know that she's been useful since arriving. He's not throwing out help just because it's unfamiliar.]
I will stay here. If you were in need of my services before, I see no reason in leaving. If this is another one of the events, then when it ends, everything will be back to normal. We have matching kanji on our outfits as well, indicating that we must be part of the same organization. [ She's not too dumb to recognize these things now, she's just a little shy about speaking, and part of her finds it unnecessary to bring it up to him. ]
It was still odd, though.]
Stay and be useful, then.
[ She'll nod before walking away to get his tea ready. Some things have not really change after all. ]
[And being served was never really a bad thing.]
You'll still take care of the livestock, I assume?
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