(no subject)

Aug 11, 2005 11:08

Name: James
Gender: male
Height: 5' 9''
Ring size: 10?
Shoe size: 11/11 and a half
Piercings: hell no
Tatoos: def never
Hair color: dark brown
Hair length: short
Eye color: hazel
Zodiac sign: virgo
Birthday: 9/14/88
Birthplace: bethpage
Place now: smithtown
Race/ethnicity: white/caucasian
School: shsw-smithtown High School West
Natural hair color: dark brown
GPA: um 3.6 sumtin
Blood type: yeah cuz i know that off my backhand


Color: red
Food: hmmmm idk i love everything lol
Drink: water? i drink that alot lol
Candy: milkyway/twix/100 grand/snickers, anything wit caramel and chocolate pretty much
Flavor: chocolatechip cookiedough
Movie: hmmmmm......wedding crashers was pretty effin hysterical
Band: i love a lot of music
Show: the OC
Element: sodium? haha idk stupid question
Music type: oldies music is the best but i listen to most anything
Month: september (my bday)
Season: fall
Holiday: christmas
Song: rite now its DON'T LIE
Number: 14
Magazine: don't read any
Language: i love italian
Girl's name: um.....idk the ones that r different r cool
Boy's name: james and well idk
Flower: red roses i guess?


Person:wouldn u like 2 know?
Do you believe in love?: at the moment no, it blows
Do you believe in love at first sight?:no
What is love?: love is evil/amazing
Have you ever told someone you loved them?: yes
If so, were you telling the truth? If not, would you? i don't say wut i don't mean
Are you married/divorced/neither?: none of the above
Are you with someone/single/dating/none?: single as usual
Do you believe in soulmates?: um i guess
Could you ever fall in love with someone of a different religion?: yeah y the hell not
Different ethnicity?: yeah def
Same gender?: um no
Different political views?: yeah
Do you love certain material possesions?: yeah
Certain hobbies?: i collect coins from different countries
Your friends?: i love my friends more than anything, they r the best!
Your family?: of course even though they get on my nerves sumtimes
Yourself?: yeah sure?
Do you have a crush?: see question one of section love
Do you date people just because of how they look?: no
Do you care how people look?: mmmmmmm depends
Would you date someone who was sweet even if they weren't good-looking?: yes
Would you date someone hott even if they were assholes?: no
Would you date someone who was nice to you but asshole to others?: doubt it
Would you date someone for their money?: NEVER
Would you use someone?: me use someone haha GOOD JOKE
Have you used someone?: no
Have you dated someone just for their money?: isn that the same as if u'd jus date someone for their money?
Have you ever dated someone who was sweet but weren't good-looking?: no
Have you ever dated someone who was hott even though they were an asshole?: no
Have you ever dated someone who was nice to you but an asshole to others?: no
Would you ever date someone because you were desperate?: no
Have you?: no
Would you ever date someone for sexual reasons?: no
Have you?: no
Would you ever have an internet bf/gf?: nope
Have you?: no

Cat/dog: =dog
Black/white: white i gues?
Coffee/tea: coffee
Pepsi/coke: pepsi
Soda/other: other
Wine/beer: wine
Pulp/none: none
Scary/comedy: comedy
Books/magazines: books
Noise/silence: depends on how i feel
Winter/summer: summer
Autumn/spring: autumn
Summer/spring: summer
Winter/autumn: autumn
Night/day: night
Hugs/kisses: both
Life/death: life
TV/movie: movie
TV/book: both
Fruits/vegetables: love both
Meat/vegetables: love both
Cigarettes/alcohol: not a fan of either realli
Cold/hot: cold
Normal/different: different
Male/female: female
Red/blue: red
Smart/fun: both
Love/hate: love
Salt/sugar: sugar
Chocolate/vanilla: vanilla
Evil/good: good
Clean/dirty: clean
Angel/demon: angel
Sunrise/sunset: sunset
Punk/goth: punk
Punk/prep: prep
Goth/prep: prep
Truth/lies: truth
Citrus/tasteless: citrus
Cake/cookies: cookies
Sun/moon: sun
Rain/snow: rain
Piercings/none: none
Short/long hair: depends
Brand name/couldn't care less: mmm depends on wut im gettin
Pool/ocean: pool
Pen/pencil: pen
Sports/none: none
Wet/dry: dry
Bath/shower: shower
Fireworks/glowsticks: fireworks
Lick/bite: lick
Naked/clothed: clothed
Internet/phone: both

Have you ever...
Went skinny dipping?: no
Done drugs?: no
Drank alcohol?: sips from my parents drinks lol
Played strip poker?: no
Climbed a tree?: yeah
Fallen from a tree?: noBungee jumped?: no
Been to Disneyland/world?: yea
Been stung by a bee?: yup
Pierced yourself?: =no
Sky dived?: no
Rolled your tongue?: yeah
Made a clover with it? yes
Skiied?: yes
Run into a wall?: yes, well johns fence and broke it haha
Been on an airplane?: yeah
On a train?: yeah
Fainted?: never
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