Jan 23, 2006 21:11
called in to work today. windshield wipers are broken, and it was snowing. better safe than sorry. it was kinda nice to have a day to myself. attempted to make some bread, but i screwed it up somehow cuz i was experimenting with things in it. eh, oh well. finally mailed out a letter to marcus. shoveled the driveway. fairly uneventful day.
so i go to FLORIDA on saturday. brett'll be joining me on monday eve. very excited. i think this'll be the first time i dont overpack. i've got a few pairs of pants, some shorts, a bathing suit, a couple tank tops, a sweater/sweatshirt, underwear, socks, sneakers and flip-flops. that all fits into my backpack with extra room. grandma'll probly be shocked. i'm notorious for way overpacking.
i dont want to go to work. ever. grr. things are just weird. they said that everyones said nothing but nice things about me, but since robbin said to me 'you need to work on your speed, it's vital to your job', i feel very vulnerable with my job. it sounded like a threat. maybe it was meant to. but it seems my only motivation right now to speed up and do better is so that i dont get scolded. reminds me kind of like marching band. i'd get bullied- i'd allow the instructors to bully me. only difference is, this is a job and they pay me- they can do whatever the hell they want. it's up to me to decide if/when i've had enough.
i'm off to sleep...i've had some really weird dreams lately. havent written them down, so i dont really remember them. was crying in a dream last night, and woke up all bothered. lately, the majority of dreams i remember when i wake up took place at Teaching Drum.