Character Love Meme

Jan 11, 2014 13:20

Meme snagged from sorchasilver because I'd like to be more actively fannish than just staring at the shiny on Tumblr.

This post is for drive-by nuggets of joy about your favorite character! So here we go. Give me your favorite (or a favorite) character's name in comments, and I will tell you one thing (or several) about them that fills me with joy. It can be a fandom I am in, used to be in, maybe mentioned once in a blue moon.

If you know I've seen it/read it, it counts. (Stuffs wot I'm watching right now: Elementary, Hawaii Five-0, Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, Sleepy Hollow, Sherlock, and HitRECord on TV.)

You may find way more fandoms I like at my Tumblr than here on LJ. Sorry. :(

I also may have signed up for the SGA RBB. I hope this'll end up in a big bucket of yay instead of tears.

fannish love, bigbang, sga

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