Lessee, let's give you a data point from somewhere in the North, where it's not hot as hell. (We call ourselves Canada south.) (I know you were being semi-facetious up there, but I think you already know how earnest I am, so while I appreciate your humor, I have this burning desire to tell you my experiences! Because validation! And other things.) (Also, ILU! ♥)
1. No, and this drives me absolutely bonkers in fic and should anyone whom I beta do it, I point out to them that WE DO NOT SAY PEOPLE'S NAMES VERY OFTEN UNLESS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THEM. Or trying to make an extremely emphatic point. Or they're not looking at us and there is more than one person we might be talking to. In general, though, that's just bad writing.
2. This does happen frequently around me, both in jest and in all seriousness. Most recipients are not genuinely scared, though, unless there are other reasons to fear the person saying so (I think my dad has actually scared away one or two people I've dated). I've done it on my best friend's behalf a couple of times and once on my niece's behalf (and I thought I might have to follow through on that one, the guy was scary crazy). I think I've said it to at least one brother-in-law (who was an alcoholic that was beating my sister). In my circles it tends to happen when you don't like/trust the person, and you are trying to scare the person away before your loved one can get too attached and/or "scare them straight" (this never works).
3. It's pretty assholish to use up all the hot water, yeah. When I was growing up, there were six of us in the house and if you took a long shower to use up all the hot water, no one else could have one and/or (depending on just how much they wanted to shower) they would have to have a cold shower. It's rude and selfish. Especially since most people tend to shower at the same time (in the morning) so trying to get six people through the shower without hot water running out was a feat (and it takes a couple of hours to get a newly-full hot water tank hot again). I started showering in the evenings just so I could have some hot water to myself, but I know lots of people who find that gross and believe me to be unclean. Living alone, being able to shower until the hot water ran out was a huge deal - and quite the luxury.
4. I'm not sure about ice cream specifically, but food, generally yes. I mean, I like ice cream well enough, but it's not a go-to food. Food is just... comfortable and comforting. I guess lots of people really really like ice cream though? *shrug*
Holy shit, my comment is so long I have to cut it in half.
5. This never happens. We all just wish either that it would happen to us or that we would have the balls to do it to someone else. Though... we tend to lean (shaenie has a great story called With Intent that's about this phenomenon). You lean in toward people to see if maybe they lean a little too, and then you kiss! :D! (The second part leaning is the consent part - if things are uncertain, there's a chance to run away - this actually happens a fair amount in movies and fic, too, come to think of it.) And I have actually had a guy lean in to me that I didn't want to kiss and I must have made a shocked-horrified-wtf! face, because he was all "whatever, I didn't mean anything, you don't have to look at me like that." That was a massive dodged bullet. You know what, actually - I have been kissed by a dude with a crush on me that I didn't return, and it was horrible and horrifying and among my biggest, grossest dude moments ever. He actually held me still, forcibly, so he could kiss me, and if it hadn't been for the fact that it was at a concert we were performing in that was about to start, I have fears about what else might have happened. So I guess it does happen. But when it's a mutual crush, and both people are at least a little certain about the feelings there, my experience is the leaning thing. The other thing is creepy dudes and awkward folks all around.
6. True. Nickname = affection. It's probably roughly half and half between a nickname people actually want and like and one that people can't stand and only tolerate because they love the people who have given it to them. Of course, there's assholish nicknames too, and those sometimes stick. You know, I am having massive meta thoughts about this, actually, that I may or may not try to form into a coherent post. No time right now as I have to call the car dealership and take my car in.
7. Yep, we keep oranges in the fridge. Why is that odd? My household keeps most things in the fridge but not all (my mom keeps nearly everything in the fridge). Now that I shop for myself, I don't keep tomatoes in the fridge (they lose their flavor if they get too cold and I don't like waiting to eat tomatoes) or bananas or apples (though I do end up throwing out a fair amount of fruit - we just don't eat it quickly, so unless we're buying fruit for that day, it can get forgotten and then needs to be thrown out). Or potatoes and onions and garlic. I know some people that keep all of those things in the fridge, though. And things like peanut butter and vinegar - I don't keep those in the fridge, but I know people who do. This may actually be a southern thing.
I could yap at you forever about this, but I'll stop now. Also, ILU.
Excuse me, did you say you know LOTS of people who think you unclean because you shower in the evening before bed instead of in the morning (I'm assuming, every day?). I don't know if this fact (that they think this) horrifies you but I wish to register that I am horrified by their stupidity and rigidity on your behalf. unclean, WHAT THE FREAKING FUCK. Seriously.
Hahahaha, yeah! Mostly it's a joke, they say "ewwwwwwwwwwww" and then sort of backpedal and say "I just don't feel clean if I don't shower in the morning" or "I sweat while I sleep" or something. But generally, yeah. I just laugh, because I don't really care? I've never really been worried about marching to the beat of a different drummer. <3
1. No, and this drives me absolutely bonkers in fic and should anyone whom I beta do it, I point out to them that WE DO NOT SAY PEOPLE'S NAMES VERY OFTEN UNLESS WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THEM. Or trying to make an extremely emphatic point. Or they're not looking at us and there is more than one person we might be talking to. In general, though, that's just bad writing.
2. This does happen frequently around me, both in jest and in all seriousness. Most recipients are not genuinely scared, though, unless there are other reasons to fear the person saying so (I think my dad has actually scared away one or two people I've dated). I've done it on my best friend's behalf a couple of times and once on my niece's behalf (and I thought I might have to follow through on that one, the guy was scary crazy). I think I've said it to at least one brother-in-law (who was an alcoholic that was beating my sister). In my circles it tends to happen when you don't like/trust the person, and you are trying to scare the person away before your loved one can get too attached and/or "scare them straight" (this never works).
3. It's pretty assholish to use up all the hot water, yeah. When I was growing up, there were six of us in the house and if you took a long shower to use up all the hot water, no one else could have one and/or (depending on just how much they wanted to shower) they would have to have a cold shower. It's rude and selfish. Especially since most people tend to shower at the same time (in the morning) so trying to get six people through the shower without hot water running out was a feat (and it takes a couple of hours to get a newly-full hot water tank hot again). I started showering in the evenings just so I could have some hot water to myself, but I know lots of people who find that gross and believe me to be unclean. Living alone, being able to shower until the hot water ran out was a huge deal - and quite the luxury.
4. I'm not sure about ice cream specifically, but food, generally yes. I mean, I like ice cream well enough, but it's not a go-to food. Food is just... comfortable and comforting. I guess lots of people really really like ice cream though? *shrug*
Holy shit, my comment is so long I have to cut it in half.
6. True. Nickname = affection. It's probably roughly half and half between a nickname people actually want and like and one that people can't stand and only tolerate because they love the people who have given it to them. Of course, there's assholish nicknames too, and those sometimes stick. You know, I am having massive meta thoughts about this, actually, that I may or may not try to form into a coherent post. No time right now as I have to call the car dealership and take my car in.
7. Yep, we keep oranges in the fridge. Why is that odd? My household keeps most things in the fridge but not all (my mom keeps nearly everything in the fridge). Now that I shop for myself, I don't keep tomatoes in the fridge (they lose their flavor if they get too cold and I don't like waiting to eat tomatoes) or bananas or apples (though I do end up throwing out a fair amount of fruit - we just don't eat it quickly, so unless we're buying fruit for that day, it can get forgotten and then needs to be thrown out). Or potatoes and onions and garlic. I know some people that keep all of those things in the fridge, though. And things like peanut butter and vinegar - I don't keep those in the fridge, but I know people who do. This may actually be a southern thing.
I could yap at you forever about this, but I'll stop now. Also, ILU.
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