Title: The Firebirds of Calneh: A Rodney McKay Adventure
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Summary: The secret of the ZPMs is revealed! Alas, it turns out that some time over the past few years, Rodney McKay has developed a conscience.
Notes: This story contains some images of violence against animals, so please don't read it if you're sensitive to that. In the fine tradition of the Stargate franchise, I stole my mythology from all over the place, so please don't read if you're sensitive to that, either.
Also, each part of the fic is exactly 550 words long because a) I wanted to see if I could do that and b) I'm just that bored. Many thanks go to
neevebrody for her wonderful beta, and of course to
bmouse for not only letting me play with her amazing artwork, but for indulging me when I made a hash of it. A huge thank-you also to
mashimero for running the
sgareversebang challenge and for being so patient with me.
The Tardiest Explorer / The Firebirds of Calneh (The link goes to the DreamWidth community for the challenge. You can comment there using OpenID, but obviously you don't have to.)