Title: The Prince's Quest
lavvyanPairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: PG
Medium: pencil, calligraphy fountain pen, PS CS2
Summary: Prince Arthur finds his life lacking, so he goes on a Quest to find the greatest prize of all.
Artist's Notes: Some time ago
lavvyan asked me if I'd wanted to collaborate on a project where she'd write a short Merlin fic and I'd turn it into a pseudo-medieval book, like I did with one of her drabbles way back in December'08
A Page Out of Time. Of course I said 'Hell, yeah!!'. Who wouldn't? And here it is now. Image heavy, duh!, 1 cover + 8 story pages. A big thank you to
lavvyan for playing with me and to our multipurpose Beta
neevebrody for pushing it into shape.
Author's Notes: I'm a huge fan of fairy tales and old stories, so when
berlinghoff79 turned a drabble of mine into pretty, medieval-ish artwork, I kind of got it into my head to try that with a short story.
berlinghoff79 kindly indulged me because she's awesome like that, and
neevebrody did excellent beta work because she, too, is awesome. I'm lucky like that.