Cleaned-up drabble post

Aug 19, 2007 14:16

For sorchasilver: John/Rodney, cautious

John had worked on his plan for two weeks before he approached Rodney. He plied him with an extra cinnamon roll for breakfast and several cups of coffee as the day progressed. He gave up his chocolate pudding at lunch for the sake of the mission, and was about to slide over his remaining dinner when Rodney's hand on his wrist stopped him.

"What are you doing?"


"Nothing," he lied. "Hey, wanna come over later? I've got Oreos."

Rodney nodded slowly, still cautious, and John suppressed the urge to grin.

Tonight, he'd seduce Rodney, and if it killed him.


For anyanka_eg: John/Rodney, 'They had nothing to say to each other.'

The sky had turned dark when they met in the parking space in front of the base. Rodney looked tired, so John mutely took the keys from him and slid into the driver's seat. They made their way down the mountain and into the city in silence. They had nothing to say to each other.

Rodney's apartment was cluttered but clean, and John waited while Rodney took a shower. Then it was his turn, and by the time he was done it was well after midnight. They curled up under the blankets and just held on.

There were no words.


For villainny (look, I wrote your name right): Brendan, lightsaber

Emmett wasn't entirely surprised that Brendan had a thing for Star Wars. He had even suspected that his lover had a plastic lightsaber and used it for role-playing, the big dork. But this-

"Shhhh, you can take it." Brendan stroked lightly over Emmett's belly, a faint smile playing around his lips as he worked the generously slicked plastic toy into Emmett's ass. Emmett's only answer was a whimper as the hard, blunt tip brushed against his prostate. "Let the dark side take care of you."

Emmett groaned helplessly.

If Brendan started imitating Darth Vader, he might have to kill him.


For xandutch: something Chuck

Chuck was the ass of Atlantis.

Really, he was the guy who had control over both the DHD and the shield, not to mention communications and various other systems. And yet the original expedition members still unfairly referred to him as "the guy who replaced Grodin," despite the fact that Chuck had been doing this exact same job when Peter had still been alive. And the new crewmembers called him "the dialling guy with the pointy ears," which was also unfair. Sheppard's ears were way pointier than his, ask McKay.

One day, Chuck would strike back.

He could hardly wait.


For berlinghoff79: John/Rodney, poffertjes (somehow it's always food prompts with that one)

"Are you sure you should be eating that?" John asked doubtfully, eyeing the little round… things Rodney was shoving into his mouth like they might go out of fashion.

"They're poffertjes," Rodney explained around another mouthful, a smear of butter glistening on his cheek. "They're great."

"If you say so." John eyed Rodney for a moment, then glanced quickly around to make sure no one was looking at them. Then he leaned forward and licked the butter away, tasting fat and sugar and Rodney's skin.

"Uh." Rodney stared at him, speechless.

"Close your mouth, Rodney. Your poffertjes will fall out."


For iadorespike: Rodney, drooling

Rodney was drooling.

John knew this because his shoulder was starting to feel damp under the heavy weight of Rodney's head, but he didn't move. Rodney'd done good out there today, first fixing some village's irrigation system so they'd be able to plant crops again, then saving Teyla from a rock slide on the way back to the Gate. He deserved to be cut some slack.

John looked up when Dr. Keller stepped into the infirmary's main area.

"You can see Teyla now," she whispered.

He nodded minutely, careful not to jolt Rodney awake.

They'd go in a few minutes.


For zabbers: John/Rodney, butterfingers

You'd never suspect it from looking at him, but John's love of all things chocolate is even greater than Rodney's. He loves Mars and Snickers, chocolate-covered coffee beans and cocoa cream truffles. But, being American, he also loves peanut butter, which is going to make Rodney a very lucky man because-

"Your contact in the SGC sent you a crate of Butterfingers?" John's eyes are round and sparkly with surprised delight, and Rodney bounces on his feet.

"Want to try and convince me to share them with you?"

John grins and waggles his eyebrows and Rodney laughs.

Very lucky, indeed.


For lazy_8s: John expounding his love for one of Rodney's physical features

John is smitten. He has to be, because yeah, Rodney has a very nice set of shoulders, a deliciously round butt, and the most amazing blue eyes John's ever seen in a man, but you'd have to be pretty far gone to obsess over a guy's eyebrows.

They're not even very interesting eyebrows. Just blond, round, kind of plain with their distinct lack of an interesting arch, not mobile like his hands or expressive like his mouth. And yet John keeps watching them, notices them frown and rise and waggle with Rodney's very own brand of seductiveness.

Totally, entirely smitten.


For sonadorita: John/Rodney, end of the world

Somehow, Rodney had always thought that the end of the world would be flames and screams, or a giant explosion that snuffed out all life, or Wraith culling beams stabbing down from the sky. He'd thought there'd be ashes, a wasteland; and there were, just not outside where anyone could see them.

"Come on, don't do this to me," he pleaded, cradling John's broken body closer to his own, "don't die, please, I can't do this, not without you."

John didn't answer; never even stirred, chest falling not to rise again as he exhaled his last breath.

Rodney's world ended.


For nsi_meepers: John/Rodney, leather jacket

John smells like leather and salt, the black jacket creaking with his slightest movements, cool beneath Rodney's cheek.

"I really thought-" Rodney's breath comes in hiccups and he can't seem to stop his shaking, no matter how slowly John strokes his back, how often he whispers "Shhh," in his ear. He can still see the explosion, feel the earth shake beneath his feet, hear his own frantic screams. Too close. Way too close.

He burrows closer, dry eyes blinking fast as he hides his face and holds on, to leather and salt and John and life, listening to empty promises.


You can still leave drabble prompts here. If you click your way through the comments, you can also find the awesome drabble I got from villanny in return. :)

others made me do it, fic, sga, bvp/thoughtcrimes

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