Mar 02, 2004 00:13
Rudy, Rudy, Rudy...i'm glad i let you lick my cleaveage! here's what my baby's daddy had to say about the topic:
NJrugger45: thats a hard answer, tho it may be atypical is as follows: A woman should be strong, intelligent, and independent. She should be beautiful. Smiling increases beauty tenfold, laughing a hundredfold, and confidence exponentially. She should not excpect to be treated like a princess and she should know driving stick is extremely sexy. She should be athletic and fit, and ready to wrestle in the mud, but also be able to clean up and look elegant in a gown.
and my wicked hot ambassador said this, which i liked as well:
Xxcite3: someone who they dont get bored of
...dude, i like this...i can finally get men to be honest with me...its just a shame i'm never gonna end up with any of these ones...