Feb 15, 2009 21:52
"traffic calming measures ahead"
as read on a sign in Cupertino.
had one of those indoor sorts of days. washed laundry, cleaned, organized, planned. Lots and lots of good quality family time with MT and SEW and LB. Laughed until my face hurt kinda evening. MT made amazing dinner. LB brought decadent cake. SEW provided beverage refreshments. Next week may be a buffet (pronounced "buff it").
Over the last several days, when I have squirmed out of human contact, SEW has made the effort to let me know I am missed. SEW and MT came down to visit me not once, but twice today. Decimated any lingering rainy day blues I mighta had.
Read on a license plate:
Romeo, Oh Romeo...
Where the hell art thou?!
Oh, and ask MT about her "wild" Valentine's card. It's about 2 feet tall. She loves it. Squee!
I found the coolest valentine prezzie and bought two: feather roses (found at a gas station in the Ingleside ie "bad" part of town). The card was found at a 7-11 in the Sunset. complemented by a rainbow bouquet of roses and French chocolate truffles grabbed at a TJ's in San Jose while I was picking up something as unromantic as shampoo and dishwasher detergent. The rainbow roses were half as much as the reds. My sweetie finds my penny pinching prezzies sweet (since we share an account). Apparently she prefers the gay roses anyway.
Lots of pretty clouds this week...will dream of them as I drift off to sleep.