(no subject)

Oct 22, 2006 17:05

Moving and changing and all that, reading other peoples journals feels weird, wirting in one seems weirder.
i think things are changing i can kind of feel it, i miss chrissy alot more than shell, ever know.
i feel like a bit of a rotter.
but im living the high life now, no phone no communication pretty much.
im moving though  thats for sure, merkadie and me vs the world and rentals market...i hope my cats find a place to run aorund in.

i was out somewhere the other night dont remember where or maybe i do anywho there was this common feeling in the ari spome smell or emotion or something.
everyone was there to do the same thing to drink desperation and it .....unexplainable i guess.
strange days these are, thats how i feel.

and apprently i use a baby voice too much.

i was reading harris posts from the past while....im envious.

i want a yard and alot of space and a cute kitchen and i want to have all the  people i love over for sunday dinners...or fiestas or siestas.
i want snow too.

im tired.

yay for posts.

love pamela
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