18 days till dave time!
i can't believe it's finally here. or almost finally here.
he sent me this today:
the new colonel has arrived and command change took place, and then they wanted to play a round of golf. so, they played a round of golf.
i don't think i'd want to play golf wearing all that crap. but i guess you do what the colonel wants.
i made a FABULOUS lasagne last night -- artichoke, spinach and mushroom, with ricotta, mozzarella and parmesan cheeses. the problem with these things is that now, i have an entire lasagne. i will have to eat it for every meal this week -- and that's even with freezing half! still, given my cooking as of late, i was proud of myself. lately it's been just like, rice and some sauteed veg. or bread and cheese, with maybe an apple thrown in.
my moods shift dramatically around 3-4 pm it seems -- into mania. so i've had to make sure that i have things to occupy me -- last night it was the lasagne, and sorting clothes for goodwill and doing laundry and dishes, and arranging my shoes and cleaning the bathroom. i got blood on my bathmat and that distresses me. and then i did all kinds of other shit and finally settled down around 9, when i take my meds. so the seroquel XR is really only XR for a certain amount of time-- it doesn't last me 24 hours, which is okay, since i seem to get so much done. AND i've been working out, so that's even more reason for it to be okay. if i feel my mania turning to agitation, off to the little workout room i go. and now, if i work through lunch, i get to leave here at 4, which means i get to workout before anyone else gets home, and i can have the place to myself. which is good, because i feel self conscious otherwise. not so much on the treadmill, because i can just turn up my ipod and tune people out, but on the weights and stuff, i feel weird with other people there.
i wish i could lose about 20 lbs somehow between now and dave, but it's so not going to happen. i don't think i've lost ANYTHING actually, despite trying my ass off.
oh well.