Coming to Keller Auditorium in Portland! As seen on Bill Maher!

Jan 27, 2005 11:41

Fact: 10.725 million Americans used marijuana in the past month. (U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration/SAMHSA, Office of Applied Studies, National Household Survey on Drug Abuse).
fun fact
Fact: 10.95 million tickets to Broadway shows were sold in the entire 2001-2002 season. (2001-2002 League of American Theatres and Producers, Who Goes to Broadway, The Demographics of the Audience).
Put that in a pipe and smoke it! Seems it's high time for Mary-Jane's long overdue theatrical debut.
THE MARIJUANA-LOGUES is a "hit" unlike anything New York has seen. Catch the buzz as performer Tommy Chong riffs on the rites and rituals of pot and regale the crowd with the highs and lows of marijuana. (Disclaimer: This production does not glorify drug use. It merely illustrates that cannabis culture can be a thing of "substance", humor and creativity).
Told from all points of view from hazy to highbrow, THE MARIJUANA-LOGUES never loses the point, demonstrating that the stories surrounding the bud are as varied as those who indulge. THE MARIJUANA-LOGUES sets herb centerstage, delving into fact and fiction, myths and misnomers alike. Not since the 60s has there been such an exploration of this oft-taboo but totally titillating topic.
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