The Sfortunato Legacy - 6.4

Oct 21, 2016 03:01

I can't believe it but, after more than a year, here I am with another chapter of the Sfortunato Legacy!
( HERE is the post where I explain why I disappeared for so long)

This will be a very short and summarized update to connect what I played months ago to what I'll play in the next days since I still had a few screenshots taken from my old laptop and I totally forgot about these.

There's no better start than a random picture of an half-naked Xander.

When I remembered the only girl of this generation was named SHERLOCK I started laughing.
Sherlock: Don't make fun of my name.
Yes, yes...(Also the fact that she got the trait "genius" is making me laugh.)

Jim is cute but a bit annoying (as every TS3 toddler after all...)

It's already Greg's birthday!

Harry in the bg: Oh, it's nice to see that Lysandre is fine!
Lysandre: I can feel someone staring at me...
Please Lys, don't turn around or you're going to faint (as usual.) *sarcasm*.
What even is that puddle...?

After a good makeover Greg looks way hotter!
(Btw I'm still a bad gamer and I keep forgetting to write down the new traits of everyone...I'll have to write them all at the start of next chapter)

If Jim didn't glare at his brother like he wants to kill him, this would be a very cute picture.

Now that there's a teen in the house, the adults can finally go on a free vacation!

Aww, look at how cute he is!

Yea, no okay...

When he returned home after school John was super tired, but in front of the house there was some crazy lady waiting for him just to start a fight.

I don't know what John told her, but it must have been very scary to make her pee herself...

Greg: Aaagh, high school's homework is way too complicated...

Cute face you have there, Greg~
Also, as soon as John was able to get rid of the crazy lady, he went to bed and...dreamt about planting flowers.....?
John: ZZzzzzZZzzz

I'm a bit concerned about the fashion sense of this zombie...

And let's conclude with cutie Sherlock doing her homework!

I apologise if I made any grammar mistake or typo, but I haven't written anything in a while and I still have to get used again.
See you soon (and please comment if you're reading, I'm curious to see if there's still anyone around here ^-^)~

sfortunato, generation 6, legacy, the sims 3

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