The Sfortunato Legacy - 6.1

Sep 03, 2014 22:46

Look who's back!
Since tomorrow is my birthday (4th of September) I wanted to give myself a present, and here it is: an update of the Sfortunato Legacy! Yay~

First of all I have to say that this chapter (and maybe also the next)  will probably be a bit confused...that's because I played this part about 8 months I don't remember well what was happening >ò
I actually never thought he would win, but well, good for him! ù3ù

No, but seriously, are you sure you want HIM as the heir...? ò.o
Marco: Hey! Stop offending me and let me play!

Annie: Why is he the heir?! I'm way more suitable for that role.
Sorry baby, I'm sure you will have a happy life even without staying in the legacy house...

After saying goodbye, Iris moved out T3T Bye Iris~

The same day Marco's love interest, whose name is Darrick, moved in.
Darrick: Boo!! This house sucks!
Hey!! I forgive you just because you have a cute face!

A really cute face <3. By the way, his traits are:
Hates the outdoors

Also Jean, Armin and Annie had to move out ;_;
Jean: But I don't want to move out...what if my new house catch fire? And the taxi could explode or something!
Jean, stop being neurotic! I'm sure you'll be fine!

Armin: I dont even care that I have to move out, I just want to eat something NOW.

Just after a few hours from when she moved out, Annie got a boyfriend~

I hope the children of this generation will be good mixes of their parents because, really: look at how cute Darrick is!!

Marco: We've been seeing each other for years now...why don't you become my boyfriend?

Darrick: Yeah.

What a couple of cuties~

Mh...maybe it's better to leave them alone...


Barry decided to invite to live with him both Jean and Armin.

Oh...ehm...this is a bedroom...*doesn't remember who is the owner of the room and takes a look at the game*
Ah! Okay, it's Marco and Darrick's new bedroom ù_ù

Obviously Xander is still with the family~

And Lysandre too! Nice eyes Lys!
Lysandre: Thanks.

Xander started offending Darrick without a reason
Xander: Look at you, you think you're cute with that blue hair and all, but you're just a diva that looks like a llama!
Darrick: How dare you!

Darrick: Look at yourself before you insult other people!
Xander: Yeah yeah *doesn't listen to him*

Darrick: Haha! Look at that ghost!
Xander: I'm so cool.

Then Marco took a trip to the future, but the only interesting thing was this I-don't-know-what.

I don't know why I took a picture of a half naked Darrick speaking with Rose.

Finally Marco returned home and it looks like he missed his boyfriend~

Conrad NO.

Marco: Darrick, I have something for you here...

Marco: Will you marry me?

He said yes.

And they woohooed to celebrate, of course!

Rose, what are you...?

NO. Don't even think about that! He is your son's fiancé!

As usual, Xander did something that attracted the attention of everyone in the household.

Marco and Darrick decided to get married in the garden behind the house.

(That blonde girl is Leonardo's daughter, so she is Marco, Jean and Annie's half-sister.)

The party went well!

Darrick: I hate that man!

That evening Darrick found out he was pregnant. (yay yay!)

Since Marco is a good heir, he WANTED (...) to get a job ù-ù
Marco: Am I obligated to do this...?
Yes, because you need money.

And since his LTW is to become a Seaside Savior, he got a job as a lifeguard.

Darrick: Hi! How are you, Lys?
Lysandre: Who's this person...?

Lysandre: With this you'll forget who I am and you'll stop bothering me.

Darrick: What am I doing here? Who are you? Are you my mom?

Marco: Why am I wasting my time exercising, when I could take the trash out?
Xander: Because exercise is good for your body.
(...and you also need it for your job.)

Darrick: Marco, I hope you like teddy bears and stuff like that, because I'm pregnant!

Marco: Well done! You must be really good if you are a male and got pregnant anyway!
Darrick: I guess that's also thanks to you...

Rose, are you flirting with that tree...?

Tree: <3
What the....ò__ò

Darrick's LTW is "Resort Empire", so the family bought a resort.
Since it was a bit ugly I gave it a makeover:

I like it now because it's very colorful.

Darrick: Ouch! What's happening!?

Marco: O! M! G! Darrick, I think you're in labor!!
After that they went to the hospital.

And the first child of this generation is a boy!

His name is Greg and his traits are: Couch Potato and Easily Impressed
Of course he is super cute.

I'm ending this update with Marco at work!

Bye bye!

(I wonder if someone will still read this legacy, since I stopped it for so many months T3T  and I'm sorry for all the times I used the word "cute" in this chapter >.<)

sfortunato, generation 6, legacy

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