
Jan 24, 2005 00:37

havn't updated in a while
got back to school yesterday
made it back JUST before it started snowing
but still had to unpack my truck in the snow
then ran to the store with Jeff to pick up some essentials
yeah, some craziness was occurring at the Market-Bucket
anyway, then I returned and Sarah and I had grilled cheese and gumbo
yeah, we rule
then Sarah, Iraj, Norwell, and myself played FUCK THE DEALER
I was the dealer for a few mins then Sarah was the dealer for.... a while
then Tyler called me
always good
then... passed out while watching the original THE STEPFORD WIVES
always good also
then this morning, I awoke to much snow
so Sarah, Norwell, Jesse, and myself ventured to Wal-mart
and the grocery store again
bought LOTS of food
then rehearsed with Clarence
went very well
then drank a bit
then the fire alarm went off at like 10pm
fucking whores
so I visited people at T9
then came back here for showtunes and more drinking
and that't what I am doing now
and now I shall memorize lines, and go to bed
night night all
more updates to come
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